Chapter 11 - Shark In the Water

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I backed away from my locker as if the distance would make the word disappear. By the look on Pete's face, if he was a cartoon character steam would be coming out of his ears. If I was a cartoon character, I’d be blending into the background from embarrassment.

What made my fist curl was the handwriting. The slightly curved letters that made the writing look almost like a script. It belonged to Hannah.

Tramp?  What had a done that made her think I was one? Or did that even matter? If there was one thing I learned from my high school experience it was bullies would bully no matter what. They'd always find something to tear you down about, even if it was made up.

“What the hell? I thought this school gave up harassing you girls!” Pete exclaimed.

The school did but not Hannah.

The familiar tapping of heels caused us to turn around to see Hannah with a group of students. She was sneering at us, her purse in one hand and the other on a friend's shoulder. She broke out into laughter after looking over us.

“Looks like we caught the tramp in action!” Without a second glance at me she stalked off with her posse.

Her words made me want to wilt. Not because they hurt but because it was exactly what I deserved. I had been on Hannah’s side of the teasing for three years and now I was getting a taste of what I use to condone.

I was willing to take the teasing but Pete wasn't on the same page.

“It's time for someone to put an end to Hannah. This is getting out of hand.”

“Really, it isn't a big deal. She had her fun and it's over. No need to dwell on it,” I said the words even though in the back of my mind the word would play over and over until I started to question if it was true.

“No. It is a big deal and if we don't deal with it now it's only going to escalate.” He looked around, his eyes landing on a teacher who was traveling down the hallway towards us. She had her nose stuck in a large book and it took Pete a few tries to get her attention.

I inwardly cringed, wishing he'd drop it.

“Mrs.Rowan, Arielle’s locker has been vandalized.”

The teachers face furrowed at the locker but quickly recovered. “It's okay. We can call the janitor to clean it up. It's his job.”

Both Pete and I were shocked at her passiveness as she continued walking. Figured. No one wanted to face problems in this town. Not even the ones who job it was to.

“I’ll take care of it. Meet you at the pool?”

“Okay.” Pete left with a defeated sigh.

Running a hand through my hair, I stared at the locker. Now to figure out how to get the sharpie off.


Was she trying to say something about Pete and I? Zac and me? This was so like Hannah; to make something out of nothing. Plus, it was a great way to disable my task to find true love and win the deal.

“I could help you with that.” Lavender hair girl, also known as Shelby, pranced over with a container filled with wipes. “I've been there before. Let me help a fellow sister out.”

I smiled and accepted the wipes. “Thank you. What do you mean ‘fellow sister’?”

“I heard about your falling out with the girls and now you're one of us; a target.” She took one of the wipes and started scrubbing at the word. “I’ll give you some tips and tricks to survive Hannah's reign. Tip one: Don't take anything Hannah says or does to heart.”

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