Chapter 27 - A Witch-Hunt

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“And that’s the plan. Simple as pie.” 

Pete scoffed. “Yeah, if pies were made by rocket scientists and contained bombs that are ready to go off at any wrong cut of the knife.” He rubbed his face and deeply inhaled once more. 

“If you keep rubbing your face, the makeup is going to come off and your going to look like a mashed black and blueberry pie!” Helen shot lasers at Pete with her eyes. She took much pride in her work that was now Pete’s face. While she caked makeup on him she had lectured him about the art of taking care of one’s face, especially when there was a formal event coming up. 


“You should be.” 

“Anyways,” I said, clasping my hands together, “we should get going. I know this is a lot and we are all overwhelmed but . . . um . . . the bright side is . . . ” 

“Very encouraging.” Norah patted my shoulder and started towards the door. “I call shotgun!” 

“The bright side is tonight can end this whole mess for good!" Helen finished, though she didn't look very convinced. 

Pete managed a half hearted smile as he grabbed his car keys and told the girls to go ahead. 

After hearing all about what had gone on these past few weeks, Pete seemed to be holding up as well as one could. He was shocked and asked if we were joking multiple times but he was also attentive. Maybe he had grown somewhat used to hearing shocking news from these past few weeks.

"Listen," he started, "I want to let you know that -" 

"Are you sure you want in on the plan? It's not too late to change your mind." I couldn't help myself, the words just came spilling out of me. 

He gently grasped my hand from across the kitchen island. "Anything to help you out and get justice for Victoria." 

"Did you not hear the parts about lives being at risk? Specifically, putting your own life at risk? This person or these people . . . they messed with you before. Remember the necklace - sleepwalking situation?" 

He shrugged. "Do you remember how you helped me out of that? I trust you, Arielle. I know you'll have my back and I'll have yours." 

Even though including Pete was putting him at risk, I wasn't regretful I did. It was nice to not have to hide anything from him. 

"Well, that's easy to say now. We're still in the comfort of my kitchen."  

A smirk appeared on his face, the smirk that came whenever he was challenged; in lacrosse practice, football games, or calculus. It was the famous 'Pete is gonna show you' face.

"I'll prove my sincerity tonight. You'll see." He leaned in as if he was going to plant a kiss on my cheek and then paused moving in for a hug. I was about to return the gesture when he paused again, opting for a fist bump. 

"Sorry, I know you said you weren't sure how you felt about me so I -" 

"We can talk about my feelings for you after you 'prove your sincerity tonight'." 

I bumped his fist, trying not to think about how badly I wanted the kiss. 

There was still so much to consider with such little time. It was possible that after Victoria's case was put to rest I'd have an easier time making a decision. 

"And be careful! I don't want to have to bandage you up again," I said motioning towards his fists.

The ride to homecoming was nothing like I expected it to be like a few months ago. When the girls and I talked about it, there was always mention of a limo or retro looking convertible. We would be blasting our favorite songs and taking way too many pictures. Victoria would be there, wearing something dark and lacy. Hannah would keep track of us the whole time. 

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