Chapter 22 - Quiet

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The aged woman was trembling in her seat. It stunned her to the core that she almost lost her granddaughter the same way she lost her daughter. She must have felt like the universe hated her. That some demon had a taste for irony and an itching to terrorize her. There were no words I could say that would make her really hear me. Instead we sat in silence, observing the officers buzz around like bees in a hive.

Detective Carson emerged from the crowd of busy workers and pulled up a chair across from us. I thought he was going to ask us some questions or let us know what's being done to search for the attacker like a detective would. However, it appeared tonight he wasn't a detective. He was just a man. He folded his hands between his legs and stared at the ground. I wondered if he was still thinking about his daughter.

Soon everyone in town would receive word about what happened on the road. I couldn't help but wonder how they would react. Would families start to move away? Standing up and demanding a change was unlikely so the only other option was to stay and hope it wouldn't affect them.

"How are you feeling?" Carson asked finally lifting his heavy head.

"I don't understand why all of this is happening." Gran's hooded eyes were at the brink of tears. "Ever since that beautiful young girl passed . . . things have been . . . this town has been filled with horrible tragedy. We all knew something was going to happen- we all knew it could only get worse!"

"Amen!" cried a voice at the other end of the station. It was a big busted woman who stood with the presence of a queen; though her most remarkable feature was her stunningly green eyes and its contrast to her dark skin.

"What is going on in this town?" she exclaimed fiercely. She glared at all of the officers and workers that now gave her their full attention. "We had a girl kill herself just a few short months ago! We had a young woman admitted into a mental hospital a few weeks ago and they still don't know what's the matter with her! They're just holding her there!"

Everyone was sharing glances, unsure of what was trying to be said. Some were stone faced and others appeared intrigued. Nethertheless, the series of people were all unified in the way they listened.

"My son who goes to the Raven's Eye High School and when I asked him about how he felt about being a senior he said relieved! Why? Because the school has countless manipulative bullies that undermine the very staff and administration that are suppose to keep students safe and comfortable! He didn't tell me that though. He didn't think telling would be any help." She shakes her head, her veins bulging from passion as she gestured toward us. "These folks were run off the road! Nobody feels safe walking alone at night or even in the daylight! Now no one will feel safe driving either! What is this town becoming? More importantly why is it becoming this way?"

I sprung up in a burst of realization and passion before my nerves tethered me back to my seat. "We all turn away from the problems! We ignore them or try to figure things out on our own." Everyone was looking at me now, including the woman whose purple lipped smile suggested she liked where I was going. "If we want things to improve, then we have to work together to accomplish it. This is our community and we shouldn't let things slide or else they will get worse. Things won't fix themselves."

Shouts of agreement spread around the station until the whole station was on its feet. Detective Carson wore a lopsided smile and Gran nodded her head proudly.

Everyone was so wrapped up in the excitement of rallying for a change - including me- that I didn't realize the young woman behind me at first. She had long blonde hair and the same green eyes as the lady who had formerly stood across the room. She placed her delicate hand on my shoulder.

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