Chapter 30 - So, Do We Have A Deal?

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We were spinning as we fell. Shelby hit the water first, probably lessening the blow for me. It was cold but not as cold as I expected. I broke away from Shelby and let myself sink to the bottom. When my feet touched the ground I pushed myself up.

My body stung. It was a matter of time before my lungs stung as well.

When my head came above water I frantically searched for somewhere to swim to. The waves were rough and with the rain pelting down on me I had no idea how long I would be able to stay afloat.

My ears were ringing. I couldn't hear. My vision was blurred with the constant rain drops. I had to fight the overwhelming anxiety and fear looming around me.

That's when I began to hear the faintest sign of a voice. It was muffled and echoed around my skull.

Where was it coming from?

I had landed right beside the cliff. Shelby must have not flung me far. We could have easily been scraped up against the rocks.

To survive something like this - something Victoria didn't - had to mean that God and his angels were rooting for me. I wouldn't disappoint. I had to tough it out for a little longer.

The waves tossed me closer to the cliff and the voice got louder. I swam toward it, constantly being slapped by salty water.

Then I was met with a solid land.

There was nowhere to go and I couldn't climb it.

Had I been imagining the voice?

Arielle! Arielle?

No. It was there. I was close.

I felt around the wall of dirt and pressed an ear against the surface.


Hannah? She was inside the cliff?


Taking a chance, I submerged myself into the water. I dived down deeper and searched the cliff's edge.

There it is.

An opening just wide enough for a body. A blue fish rushed by me, grazing my cheek.

Time to live up to my 'Little Mermaid' nickname.

I said a little prayer and then propelled myself forward. Getting through the opening was easy, holding my breath for so long wasn't.

Above me was only more dirt for a few feet. Part of me questioned whether I should have turned back to breath before it was too late.

My body felt lighter and suddenly I was floating up towards air.

I broke through the water, frantically gasping and looking around.

It was beautiful.

I found myself in a cavern of some sorts. There was land lining the water, creating a natural pool. Weathered rocks stuck out from the ceilings like icicles and though it was dark, little holes in the cavern walls allowed enough light in to make out the scenery.

"Get away from me!"

Hannah was shoving Shelby away from her, shivering and sobbing. With makeup smeared across her face, she spotted me. After running over she dragged me out of the water, not waiting for me to lift myself out.

"Shelby . . . Why did you do that?" I turned to Hannah. "Why did she do that?" But I knew. The true villain had made herself known.

"We have to let her die." Shelby was standing tall over the two of us. Her eyes were dead and hollow but her voice was laced with uncontained excitement.

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