Chapter 18- Is the Moon Brave?

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The days leading up to the arts showcase in Victoria's honor were like stepping into a vortex. There was so much going on yet nothing at all. It was overwhelming yet simplistic. Basically, a week that flew by faster than I could process.

Helen was continuously pestering me about stressful events. One being the date she was preparing for Zac and I. This one, I didn't mind as much since it was helping me fulfill my end of the deal with Hannah. She asked me questions about Zac's taste and preferences as well as mine. She bought a dress she wanted me to try on, and tried five different natural looking makeup tutorials on my face. Other than that, her plans for the date were completely underwraps. Whenever I asked for details she put a finger to my lips and smirked.

The dress she chose was blue. According to an all-knowing color palette chart, this navy blue was the most flattering color for my skin tone. It was longer than I expected- longer than any dress I ever worn. It stopped right above my ankles and the sleeves went to my wrist. The fabric was slimming but didn't cling to my skin and had a small part at the waist with light ruffles at the top. That night when I was standing in front of the mirror in her hallway, Helen explained exactly why she had chosen it.

"It's modest. I've noticed it's what you are most comfortable in. That works in my favor because the last thing you need to do to win over Zac is be flashy. Personally, I think he's into your more innocent side. I mean, he's never mentioned or acknowledged any of the bad things you've done." Her words didn't mean to cut deep and the only reason they did was because they were true. Zac didn't know the real me and he didn't want to.

I assumed Helen would forget about the diner incident. That was dumb to think. How could she forget the cryptic message taped underneath the table, along with the pictures that proved someone else knew about the crime we committed? She kept asking what it was about so I responded the same way she handled my questions. I put my finger to her lips. Of course, this situation wasn't as light as the location of my date but I figured it was better if I treated it that way around her.

Then there was trying to socialize with Zac. I was planning on working my way up to asking him on a date. Slowly, I eased my way into his friend groups and became his lab partner. Originally, I had thought getting closer to him would be a difficult task considering my awkwardness. Turns out I learned some social skills from the group that came in handy.

The closer I got to Zac the more enchanted I felt. Enchanting. The perfect word to describe him. His nature was so refreshing. The way he talked, the way he looked at me, the way my name sounded when he said it, it was all so enchanting. But sometimes the air around us would shift and he would give me this look. His eyes would glint the way your eyes do when you are about to take a risk and his mouth would open to say something. Then as quickly as it appeared it was gone. Zac sure did keep me at the edge of my seat.

Asking Zac out wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. My nerves sure got the best of me leading up to the big question but while I did the actual asking the stomach knots went away. The shy smile on his face gave away the answer even before he said a word.

I thought the day I asked Zac on a date would be more memorable. That I would remember every word and every look. That I would capture the scene in my head like a sculpture in a snow globe. Looking back at it, I struggle to recall how it happened exactly.

On the other side of things, my witch hunt had taken a change of direction after the visit to Eline. She said Hannah was there the day Victoria died and she knew more than she let on. Maybe a major information source was right in front of me this whole time. Hannah was involved in everything. Of course, she found a way to be involved in this too.

I kept my eye on Hannah that week. One could call it creepy the way I observed her. I watched so closely I even knew what her homework was. Still, I couldn't find anything. Confronting her head on wasn't an option either so I went to the person that could keep a better eye on Hannah. The person who regrettably lived with her.

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