Chapter 28 - Bye, Ari. Love you.

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“We’re almost there.” 

The roads twisted and expanded underneath the jeeps headlights. The barren woods around us was only visible after a crack of thunder followed by a bright flash of lighting. I had convinced him to leave the radio off, making the rubbing of tires on the road and our breathing the loudest sound in range. 

“There’s not a person or a house in sight,” I said pulling the quilt he had draped across my shoulders closer to me. “Where are we going?” 

It had to be the twentieth time I asked this. 

“I’m sorry it’s such a remote place. It works in our favor though. It’ll be awhile before the police find us.” Zac’s arm wasn’t hanging out the side of the jeep for once which was kind of unsettling. Things were so different now. Months ago I was daydreaming of sitting in the passenger seat driving to some fun destination with him. I wonder what past me would have said if she knew we’d be running away from the cops together. 

I guess it was romantic in a sense . . . a really messed up sense. 


He glanced over at me. “Yes? Are you alright?” 

“Why are you helping me run from the police? Aren’t you scared you’ll get in trouble?” 

He shrugged. “Of course I am. It’s too late for worrying about getting into trouble though.” 

We turned at a nearby exit and onto a more narrow road. “We’re here.” 

I could barely catch the words in the quick moment the headlights raced over the sign.

Atlantica Apartments. 

The building had the appearance of a cheap motel. There were about twelve different apartments, six on each floor. The doors were painted blue while the walls around them an even darker color. The numbers of the apartment hung off the doors. Some had dents in them causing me to imagine someone attempting to break it down. 

Zac took the keys out of the ignition and hopped out of the jeep. 

Was this the right decision? 

He opened my door and helped me out. With a shy smile, he said, “I’m excited to finally show you this.” 

Not knowing what to say I nodded and followed him up the stairs and to apartment 11. He pulled out his keys and undid three different locks. Stepping aside, he let me in first. 

With a flick of a light switch, I was dumbfounded. 

The apartment was not so much of an apartment as it was a room with a kitchen and bathroom attached. With no hallways, I was immediately exposed to the chaotically cluttered bedroom. 

The papers hung up on the wall stood out the most. It was similar to the evidence board the girls and I set up in my room a few days prior except it took up the whole space. Post-its, posters, papers, even pamphlets - they took up nearly every inch of the wall. A computer with monitors was set up at a desk with papers, and pens sprawled across it. At the foot of the queen sized bed were several stacks of books, all bookmarked in various places.

On the kitchen counter was a large fish tank thoroughly decorated with mermaid sculptures and glittery rocks. Only one fish swam around, circling the front of the tank as if it were beckoning me closer. Below it was a paper with pictures of fish printed onto it. Each fish had a corresponding name.

I picked it up. 

Zebrafish - Victoria 

Southern Playfish - Helen

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