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It's been three months since Dia visited Vikram and his friends. The cloud of confusion and longing for Dia had still left Karthik upset. He kept wondering, "is she still into me? Is she thinking about me?"

Dia, miles away from where her brother Vikram, and Karthik lived, was going by her life as usual but with overwhelming sadness, that was about to spill. She had kept herself busy so the lingering feelings were kept at the back of her mind. But soon, it would all come rushing back.

They both hated how they left things. Dia was, for one, embarrassed, confused and wished for the incident to never have happened. She wanted to shove off any residual feelings towards Karthik and hoped he'd forget all that and brush it off as a silly crush from when they were younger. She'd be fine with being just embarrassed about him learning about her feelings. Her previous feelings. But Karthik got pretty intense. He wanted to know more, he wanted to see what could happen. He wanted to consider a future for them. Or at least try dating. But Dia had no idea. She just thought reminding it would only make her feel more at unease. Karthik was making her feel worse about it by bringing it up.

Can't they have an open discussion about it?

No, because Dia was determined to suppress any feelings towards Karthik , her brother's best friend. She didn't want to disappoint her brother or put him through any awkward or concerning situation. She has done that for a while and she had become an expert on it. She was used to making her feelings go numb if they got too deep for her to function. She put on a brave face and went about her life. It would be harder only if she saw him everyday. She lead her normal life making jokes, being happy, laughing around and trying to make the best out of her life.

Karthik on the other hand was still hung up on their confrontation because everything Dia described about her feelings towards him were his ideal idea of true love. And he wasn't going to let it go without a fight or without giving it a fair chance.

So that's where our protagonists were in their inner turmoil.

Karthik couldn't wait for their next meet. Should he just tell and talk with his friend Vikram? What would he even ask or discuss about? There wasn't any relationship to talk about to begin with. And what if the later stages cause more unhappiness for the brother sister duo?

He wanted to try it out with Dia first. He wanted to bring her up for a meet. She wouldn't come and meet him alone would she? He can't just stalk her and show how obsessed he is. He can't freak her out of any future relationship. He threw all these reasoning in the bin because he was a stubborn bloke who believed life was too short and he wanted them to have a fair chance. So he arranged for a party that would require all to attend and invited Vikram's sister to come too.

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