13.happy birthday!

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   Karthik found the perfect opportunity to meet Dia again: Vikram's birthday was coming up next week. He invited everyone near and dear to Vikram, and threw a bash full of friends, colleagues, drinks, and music. 

    On the other side of the country, Dia was contemplating if she should attend the birthday celebration. Vikram was turning 29. She would be more than happy to be there for her brother, but... It's been a while since she had heard from Karthik, not that she often did, but she had wished for a little more reaction and contact after their ordeal. But neither of them took courage to call or text first. "Would going there and meeting Karthik be more awkward or not going would mean I'm still hung up on the incident?", she wondered

Karthik had no idea what he was gonna talk about when he saw her or how he'd start a conversation but figured he'll know what to say when he sees her, if and when she starts talking to him.

Karthik prepared to throw the party which he insisted should be fun and full of booze

The day came, everyone wished Vikram the best, had loads of fun, got drunk, danced, laughed and joked around, some random hook ups were seen, some couple-fights, some reunions.

   Karthik had said 'Hello' and welcomed Dia into the house. Just as either of them searched for words to utter, a girl came and dragged Karthik by his arm 'to introduce her friends' so Karthik trailed off with "enjoy the party..."

Dia greeted her brother with a big warm hug and wished him on his birthday. She dispersed into the party to meet and talk to those of whom she knew. She tried her best to avoid addressing how much it ached her heart to see a girl wrapped around Karthik, talking animatedly and full of energy.

That's the kind of girl he needs to be with. That's the kinda girl who people fall in love for- a cheerful woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to tell someone how she feels. That's whom he should be with. I'm fine. I'm fine- she repeated to herself. He's moved on already; there's nothing to decide or worry about. It's like nothing ever happened. She told these things to herself as she tried to hold it in all together and act like nothing's bothering her. She distracted herself with the people at the party and put a pause on her pain.

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