Chapter Two

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•Ashton's POV•

"Ashton come on! It's your 18th birthday! We are not sitting around watching the tele!"

I thought it was my birthday? Don't I get to choose what I do on MY birthday?

"Guys where would we even go? There is nothing to do here!"

I really don't want to go out. I watch as the boys look around at each other trying to think of something that might occupy their small minds for MY birthday. Personally I think they are only celebrating with me because they were hoping for girls and booze. Just then Calum jumped up.

"Hey what about that new club... What's it called?"

We all stared at him watching as he clutched at his hair trying to pull his memories out of it.

"Luke you saw the flyer to! remember we were walking home from-"

Then Luke jumped up

"coyote lounge! That's it! Great idea Cal! Come on guys get up we're going!"

The boys all got dressed but, I just decided to stay in my clothes. A black t-shirt and dark jeans is good enough for me. I sat and waited until the boys walked out of their rooms immediately staring at me with disapproval...

"Dude at least brush your hair and get that stupid bandana out of it!"

"Michael, I will wear what I please."

I guess there is no getting out of this now. I huff and stand deciding to have a good time wether I wanted this or not...

We arrive at coyote ugly to a long line of underage teenagers and some partying adults. I can hear the music from outside the building. The silver line separators rattled to the beat inside. I assume the volume isn't anything I won't be able to handle or that I'm not already use to. After a boring 20 minutes of Calum trying to entertain me, Michael playing on his phone, and Luke eye rapeing cute girls it was finally our turn to go in. A fat bald man guarding the door eyes us before handing us bracelets indicating we are "under aged and can't be served alcoholic beverages." Luke raises his eyebrows at me then licks his lips before walking through the flashing door.

"Happy birthday mate!" Calum says as he pushes me in

The first thing I notice is dancing. Girls and boys were shuffling around moving to the music. Some girls were even up on the bar, I watched as one waved to Michael and him blow a kiss back. Everyone seemed happy...Even the girl employees who were wearing very tight jeans with white shirts that have button up fronts, thankfully the buttons weren't doing too good of a job. Different color bras stuck out as they danced around to the country music thumping through the whole club.

After about five minutes in the club the boys make there way over to a corner of dancing girls. I decide to sit this one out I wasn't in the mood just quite yet to be danced on and head to the bathroom..

right before I walk in I hear shouts.

"I will not give you a fucking blow job you dick! If I wanted to do that I would be very wasted and easy!"

Then a blonde girl marched out of the men's bathroom, running head on into me. I straighten her out then smirk at her.

"So blow job huh?"

She flips her hair back, wiping under eyes then returns my smile.

"Yeah, he so wasn't worth It though"

She chuckles as her eyes move lower then my face. She looks at my bracelet and bites her lip...

"Want a drink?"

"Can't, I have a bracelet."

She laughs and rips both the bracelets off our wrists. She raises her eyebrow and grabs my hand..

"What bracelet?"

She says smiling and leading me to the bar. I watched as she ordered two bloody Mary's... They contain a good amount of liquor for one shot. She hands me mine then motions for me to drink. I smile at her and tilt my chin back, taking a big gulp. I felt the burning liquid make it's way down my throat. That didn't bother me for long though the after taste along with the numbing in my brain was worth it. I set the glass down then smacked my cheeks. The girl laughed then threw her head back. She took it like a pro. No disgust or sourness came to her face as she swallowed.

"So uh, what's your name?" I asked blinking hard.

"Britney most of the time, you?"


"Nice to meet you Ashton." Her smile grew wider.

"It was very nice to meet you, Britney."

Just then loud laughter erupted above me. I looked up to see a girl dancing right above me. She winked as she strutted away. I smiled to myself before I turned back to Britney. Instead of Britney though, there was an empty chair, she was gone. I sighed looking back over to my glass only to find a napkin will a number and the name "Brit" scrawled across it.

"Well, that was easy."

I folded up the napkin putting it in the back of my jeans as I stood up. I scanned the room not wanting to be alone on my birthday. I found the boys in the same corner still getting danced on. I smiled and made my way over to them...

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