Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen:

•Harry's POV•

I walked into the main room making my way past sweaty bodies dancing to crapy music. You can practically smell the hormones radiating off of these desperate college kids. I only wanted to find Liam and of course I did he was "dancing" with Clara but, I found something else to... Ashlyn. She was grinding her bum on Ethan, his crotch pressed against her. Ethan's a sophomore and he went after, well fucked every girl he laid eyes on.

I stumbled back against a wall in shock but a tint of amusement. Ashlyn was a goody goody there is no way she's going to let him put his hands all over her. I watched as his palms moved to touch her waist. I saw her hesitate then continue to rub against him.

I don't understand...

I felt kind of angry. Why was Ashlyn doing this? Why was she acting like this? Ethan's hands moved gripping her ass and I felt myself tense up.

She's too innocent. Something's wrong, there is no way Ashlyn would do this. Maybe he's forcing her. Clara is right there though, she wouldn't let that happen.

Ethan suddenly lifted his hand and smacked Ashlyn's ass. I had seen enough.

•Ashlyn's POV•

Whoever I was dancing with was getting rough. I felt the need to scream at him, tell him to stop. I just kept grinding though. I know that I'm probably just over reacting, this is ok. Everything is ok.

"Alright Ethan that's enough." I was surprised to hear Harry's voice so close. I was even more surprised I could hear it over the booming music.

"Fuck off Styles." Ethan said pushing me against his hard.

"Let her go man." Harry spoke calmly. From the corner of my eye I could see Harry place a hand on Ethan's shoulder.

"Or what?" Ethan spit back jerking Harry's hand off his shoulder and pushing my hips against him once more. I let out a gasp of shock and Harry's eyes met mine.

"Or I'll punch your ass into..." I cut him off pushing myself off of Ethan and placing a hand over his mouth.

"Harry stop."

He took his hand and grabbed mine taking it off of his mouth.

"What?" He looked hurt and confused.

I turned around and looked back at Ethan "give me ten minutes, I'll be back."

"Whatever." Ethan shrugged but, continued to glare at Harry.

I didn't even look at Harry again but simply pulled on his hand dragging him out the door and into the front lawn. There was a few kids smoking others passed out in the grass.

"You can't do that!" I said dropping his hand and crossing my arms against my chest.

"Do what?" Harry's brow furrowed.

"I was fine! I was dancing. Harry I was having fun! You ruined it! That guy probably won't talk to me again because of you!"

"Oh don't worry he will. He fucks every girl no matter what. A 'over protective' friend won't scare him away from your vagina." Harry spit, upset.

"Friend?" I asked confused.

"Oh so I'm not your friend? Wow Ashy this just gets better and better. I was protecting you! You're vulnerable! I'm use to this life, how these people think, you're not. Ashlyn you're alone! You can't do this alone!"

Oh so I'm weak...

"You know what fuck off! I don't need anyone to protect me! Especially a asshole who thinks I'm weak." I shoved my shoulder into him, running back inside.

•Harry's POV•

"Wait Ashlyn I didn't mean it like that!" I called after her.

Too late. She was gone, leaving this sadness in me... Was it sadness?

I went back inside not bothering to grab another drink or look for a fuckable slut. I wasn't in the mood, I simply climbed the stairs to my room and flopped onto my bed.

Ethan was probably dragging Ashlyn to a room right now. It never use to bother me who fucked who but, something about Ashlyn fucking another guy made me angry. A sort of angry that made you want to punch walls, or rip heads off.

•Ashlyn's POV•

I woke up in a random bed, Ethan's arm slung across my naked body. I don't remember having sex with him. It's kinda sad to think I got that drunk. Well, use to be sad.

"Bumble bees." Ethan mumbled next to me in his sleep...

I felt weird laying awake next to guy i barely knew and just fucked. Quickly I made the decision to leave. I slid out of the bed careful not to wake Ethan. I stumbled a couple times trying to put my dress on, still dizzy from the amount of alcohol I consumed. I found my phone on the floor next to my dress and stuck in back in my boobs. Heels were not an option at this point so I held them in one hand and left the room.

I tiptoed along the hallway, even though I could still here music being played down stairs. I grabbed my phone checking the time, three thirty! How long to these parties last? Where should I go? I mean Clara is probably with Liam and well I... I don't know what to do.

"If you're looking for a bathroom to puke in, you're gonna have to keep walking." Harry spoke softly from behind me.

I turned around meeting his eyes before lowering my head in shame. He most defiantly was thinking terrible thoughts about me, I don't blame him...

"Look it's late, well it's actually early. The point is I don't feel like driving. So if you want you can come in my room and crash... I'll take the floor." Harry looked at the ground rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" I questioned smiling.

"Yeah." He shrugged.

I followed him to his room, closing the door behind me as I entered.

"Here." He tossed me a red t-shirt.

I caught it and placed it on his bed, dropping my heels and phone to the floor at the same time. I began to undress not really caring that Harry was watching, I didn't care about much anymore. He didn't look long though. As soon as I began shimmying out of my dress he looked away.

As I reached for the red shirt I watched him make a little bed on the floor out of blankets and pillows. I pulled the shirt over my head, deciding to leave my bra on.

"Thank you Harry, I owe ya." I shyly smiled and climbed into his bed.

I saw his body tense, he didn't turn around.

"Don't sweat it Barbie." He mumbled before dropping to the floor on his makeshift bed.

I huffed turning over...

{ authors note:

Please comment and vote !! Thank you guys for being patient with me and Abby we have a lot of things going on at the moment so I praise each and ever one of you my beautiful readers!!! }

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