Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22~

•Ashlyn's POV•

I let out a frustrated moan as soon as the door slammed shut behind Harry.

"God I hate him!" I whined before gripping my towel closer to my chest and face planting into the bed.

I body synced into the mattress and suddenly this bed was the most comfortable thing in the world. I placed my left hand under my pillow and rubbed my face against the smooth cloth. I didn't feel like moving, I don't even think I could if I wanted to. My muscles felt weak and tired, my head was pounding and my hormones were worse then a pregnant woman's.

"No no no!" Clara suddenly spoke up.

"You have class in ten minutes! Go get dressed!" She prompted.

I simply let out a deep breath and mumbled what in my head was "no" but, came out more like a gurgling mouthwash.

"Ashlyn get up! I'm trying to be a good roommate and not let you fail your first year of college!" Clara continued to talk but her worlds meant nothing to me. I want sleep.

"CLASS NOW!" I jumped in shock however I quickly regained my sleeping composure.

"You skipped class the other day and I didn't pester you! How come you pester me?" I whined into the pillow.

"I told you already I don't want you to fail and maybe because this is still a punishment for you not knowing who Elsa is!" Clara smirked

"This is all because of some stupid Disney princess!" I turned my head to glare at her

"She's not stupid watch your mouth!" Clara grimaced

Just as I was about to curse out my bitch of a roommate, a loud knock pounded on the door.

"You're so lucky" I whispered to Clara as she made her way to he door smiling from ear to ear. Quickly I checked my towel to make sure it was covering the goods, I didn't want Liam to walk in and see my boobs.

"Is Ashlyn there?" A familiar voice mumbled.

Who was that?

Clara looked back at me searching for a 'no' however i was still too confused to give her that answer. Clara rolled her eyes and looked back at the stranger.

"Yeah she's here. Why?" Clara sounded pissed

"I thought we were walking to class together." The voice mumbled again.

"Um ok give her like ten minutes..." With that Clara sighed, closed the door and looked to me almost scared.

"Who was that?" I smiled sitting up on the bed.

"I think it was Luke..." Clara said unsure.

My stomach dropped. Lukey, I feel like I haven't talked to him in years when in reality it's only been a couple of days. I just need more time because I definitely wasn't ready to talk to him again. I can't be friends with him... I can't be connected to Ashton.

"Guess you're going to class with Luke." Clara gave me a half sympathetic half triumphant smile.

"Ughhhh" I stomped my feet and stood up.

"I'm not gonna look nice, this girl is going all 'nat-ural'" I snipped.

To prove my point I put on my undergarments then a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt. I went in the bathroom got a hair tie and put my hair up without even looking in the mirror.

"The more 'natural' thing to do would be go naked." Clara shrugged.

"Well, wearing no make up is like going naked." I frowned.

I grabbed my bag and my phone and slid on some flip flops before making a dramatic exit, slamming the door and all.

"Whoa someone is pissed" Luke laughed.

"How do you know it's not at you?" I grimaced then started walking.

"What did I do?" Luke whined running to catch up.

"You- just walk. I'm not talking to you." I scrambled. In all honesty Luke hadn't done anything. Ashton just had to fuck everything up.

"Exactly you can't think of anything! Ashlyn it's really stupid to be mad at me for something Ashton did!" Luke sounded almost pissed now

"I'm not mad at you ok?" I said abruptly stopping and looking up into his eyes.

"Then why are you being such a bitch?" Luke threw his hands in the air.

"You can't choose. I can't make you choose." I looked down at my flip flops facing defeat.

"Choose between you and Ashton? I don't have to." Luke laughed.

"You're two different people! I can be friends with both of you!" He continued to make me feel better.

He shouldn't be making me feel better though, I was the bitch. I should be making him feel better. I'm such a fuck up! Why do I even try. I already knew I couldn't have friends.

"Hey, hey, don't cry!" Luke cooed pulling me against his chest.

I hadn't even realized I was crying. What a crybaby!

"I'm ok." I said pushing off his stomach.

"Why don't we blow this joint and go get some pizza? Luke said gently shoving my shoulder

"Pizza? Luke Hemmings is this a date?" I laughed.

"No, you're not cool enough to go on a date with the Luke Hemmings. Let's just be honest Ashlyn." He smiled

"Well being honest I'd rather go with Michael." I smiled getting out my phone and making my way to my contacts.

"Fine go with Michael then, like I care." Luke pretended to be a bratty little girl.

I decided to push his buttons, I clicked Michael's name and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" A confused voice spoke through the phone.

"Hey you wanna go get some pizza?" I laughed.

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Wait? I thought you were ignoring us. Was Luke lying? I'm so confused." Michael huffed.

"Pizza yes or no?" I pressed.

"Yeah, yeah of course!" Michael laughed. "You have so much explaining to do!" He complained.

"NO ASHLYNS MY DATE!" Luke suddenly shouted. The frown on Luke's face was one to keep in my memories forever. He seemed genuinely upset.

"FUCK OFF MIKEY!" Luke shouted.

"YOU FUCK OFF LUKEY!" Michael shouted back.

"You guys can both come! Ask Calum too while you're at it!" I laughed.

"Ok! Where are we meeting." Michael sounded exited.

"IN YOUR MUM" Luke shouted again.

"SHUT UP LUKE!" Michael groaned.

"Let's just meet in front of my dorm building and I'll ask Siri really quick where the nearest pizza place is." I suggested.

"Or we could Murder Luke and have pizza in jail. I'm really ok with either." Mikey laughed.

{Authors Note:

I will be doing 23 update on Friday due to me going to all region for choir so double update this week!!! Also comment and vote and comment

hashley? ( Ashlyn and Harry)

Lash? (Luke and Ashlyn)

Ash? (Ashton and Ashlyn)

Let us know!! }

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