Schools out, sike

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My day started out very shaky. Literally, I could not stay still for more than a second. All of last night I was thinking of the man that was trying to kill me. I have to watch out for him and his hunters. They will come back for me. What if they don't tie me up with a rope? What if they capture me so I can't escape? My goal now is to stay alive.

"You seem quieter than usual, Cel." Becky said to me in lunch.

"Oh yeah. Its cause of the crazy weekend." I responded.

"Oh word. I still don't know who attacked those assholes. I mean what kind of criminals steal from kids with AIDs. Ugh, stupid people." Kim snarked. My friends began reviewing Alex's party. Who wore what, who danced with who, and what Tiffany was doing. I also thought about the party, and the day after, and the dayafter.

I was going to my last period class when someone shoved me into the janitor's closet. Panic turned into anger in a split second.

"What the hell? Are you tryna get into my pants?" I yelled at none other than Stiles. I looked at his face, he seemed upset. 

"Calm down, I need to talk to you." He said. He was one foot away from me. I could feel his cool minty breath go on my face.

"You are talking to me." I rolled my eyes. Stiles put his hand on my shoulder gently. I flinched to his touch.

"You saved me. It was you, a-at Blockbuster on Saturday." Crap. Crap. Number one rule, not to reveal who you are.

"Are you high right now? I didn't save anyone, I was at home with my sister. How the heck could have it been me?" I asked. Stiles looked like he knew what he was talking about.

"I know it was you. Your eyes, and your voice. Please tell me it was you." He requested.

"Stop it. You need to get yourself checked out." I said while gently patting his left cheek. I turned around, and walked away. He mumbled something that I tried to tune out. Why is Stiles so curious about his saviour? He should not be asking any questions, afterall I saved his life right? Stiles is such a confusing person. One day he's the biggest jerk in the world, and the next he is all sympathic. I remember Stiles in elementary school. He was such a cutie with his glasses. Ever since puberty hit him, Stiles became a man-whore. It makes me mad. He makes me so angry sometimes. But don't get me wrong, Stiles is like the hottest guy in Hale. His tight muscles, his sense of style, and his eyes. Oh gosh, his gray eyes. They're the most beautiful pair I've seen. Wait... why am I thinking about Stiles. Ugh.

"Did I just see you in the closet with Stiles?" Kim asked while we were walking into our English class. The first person I made eye contact was Stiles. He sat all the way in the back near the second exit. He was staring at me, giving me goosebumps. I could listen to his steady heart beat. I've never noticed my hearing was that good. It sounded like a lullaby, it was beautiful. My teacher was absent, which meant "party". Kim sat next to me.

"No, it's not like that Kimmie. It's just some stupid thing he thought." Kim understood that I wasn't going to tell her, I respected that. We began a good conversation on which movie was better, The Avengers or Batman. Somehow we ended up in a convo about virginity. "Ofcourse I'm a virgin." I said. Kim told me how she lost her virginity to some guy in band camp. She never told me about this. She was describing me her experience which I was totally interested. As she was telling me, I sort of unfocused. I turned my head to Stiles. Some girl whose name wasn't important was playing with his wavy hair. Suprisingly he wasn't paying attention to her, he was looking at me. He mouthed the word "please".

"....and that's where my toes curled up." Kim said. I looked at her and smiled. "I just noticed you have a gorgeous smile." I blushed.


As I went home, I felt like someone was following me. I still feel a bit jittery after the kidnapping incident. "Karen, Karen? I'm home." I announced. No one responded, as usual. I really need to take a long shower after this long day.

I closed the faucet, and then wiped the fog on the mirror. My hair was straight because of the water. I looked into my eyes. My pupils were slit for some reason. I heard a creak coming from my room. Oh, no. My nails were coming out for some defense action. Looking around my room, I looked for something unusual. Someone was sitting on my computer chair, their legs peeped from the bottom. I walked near the chair to turn it around. I was about to attack the person, until he screamed.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Stiles screamed. Am I hallucinating? Is this kid really in my house right this moment?

"You've got to be kidding me. You broke in to my house, man. That's a crime. You are so getting the electric chair." I snickered. I went to the bathroom and quickly put on a tank top and some shorts. "You are not going to let this go, are you?"

"Your eyes. When you were going to attack me. They looked like cat eyes." He said. I couldn't think of any good lies.

"Just stop. You're demented, okay. Stop harassing me, stop talking to me, just stop." I said. I was so angry and frustrated. For a moment, I realized that maybe I am being a little bitchy towards him. I need to understand why he isn't letting this one go. "Why is this so important?" I asked.

"Because, I know I'm right. And I want  you to confirm it. I - I uhh I...." He stuttered.

"Do you have like turrets or something? Just say it. I, I, I what?" I asked impatiently.

"I like you." He said. Stiles likes me? I looked around the room for someone named You. I knew he had to be joking,  but when I looked in his eyes there was something else. "That's why this is important."

"I know you don't like me. You treat me like shit, and you're the biggest whore in the world." I said remembering that he's a jerk.

"I get that, but I only act like that because of you. In middle school, I dropped hints on you. But you've never shown any interest. I liked you for a long time. A really long time." Stiles said.

"Do you use that line on a lotta girls?" I retorted. Now I was furious.

"You don't understand. I only act like that because I know I can never have you. So I might as well get whatever I can." He said. When he said he liked me I thought he was lying, but now looking at him I saw something. I don't know what I saw but it made my heart flutter. Stiles got up, and headed for the door.

"Wait, Stiles." I said calmly. He turned around. I bit my lip. "It was me. I saved your life. But you can't tell anyone! I swear, I will kill you if you do." 

"I know." He smiled. "You don't have to tell me anything else about your uhhh ability." I walked him to my door. 

"Thank you." Stiles said while going downstairs. 

I started recollecting what had just happened. Stiles? Out of all the guys in the world, I have feelings for Stiles? No, what about Alex?

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