Part 5

539 17 27

-Third person-

She cried for him. My god did she cry for him. The boy who never existed.

They told her when she woke up, that after the car accident she suffered from hallucinations due to a intense bleed on the brain.

The boy who she cared deeply for, the one who befriended her when she was scared and alone. the one who made her days full of happiness and love, simply never existed at all.

She was prescribed medicine that would make the hallucinations go away. But on the day's where she felt the loneliest and crippled with depression, she wouldn't take her medicine. Just see him that one more time.

After months of medication, therapy and support, she got released from hospital and was finally able to go back home and into the real world.

It was a Friday and the winter snow had fallen upon the city, covering everything in a white frozen blanket.

The harsh air hit her face. Snow flakes landed in her brown hair. And it was the first time in months that she was allowed out of her 4x6 room. The fresh air nipped at her skin making the tiny millions of goose bumps rise, it was heaven and made her feel somewhat human.

She was free, finally free to do what she wanted without having being watched by doctors and nurses all day, everyday.

It made her feel alive again.

~3 months later~

She had managed to grab a part-time job in a small cafe in Seoul. Although, the long hours was tiring, she had her cosy apartment to go home to after a long day of work.

Her shift had ended just after 5pm, so she bid goodbye to her co-workers and headed to the near by convenience store to get dinner.

After what seemed like forever of browsing through the shelves, she bought her favourite food and beverage. Because she knew it was gonna be her last. Because tonight was the night. She had to say goodbye to him. She needed to let him go, and she needed to let herself go too.

It was over.

She unlocked the door and there he was, sitting at the table playing with his thumbs to keep himself somewhat occupied. He was waiting for her to get home, just like everyday. He looked up and gave her the biggest smile ever.

Which, on any other day would make her heart melt. But not today. It was time, it was now or never.

Her shaking hands shut the door and removed her shoes. She walked towards him with no emotion, just an empty soul.

"Why the sad face?" He questioned with a sad pout, opening his arms to offer her a comforting hug.

"I cant do this anymore." She replied quietly.

"What do you mean y/n?" He looked at her weakened self and knew something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

"Jimin its time to say goodbye." A tear fell from her eye, but she didn't bother to wipe it away.

"You cant do that! After everything we have been through? I'm your best friend!" He was getting angry and she was afraid. Afraid of somebody who didn't exist. But to her he was, he was the thing that she treasured the most.


"We can find a way, we will work this out. Please don't leave me, not again!" His legs wobbled as he cried.

"Its over... Its time to say goodbye. For good."

With that she made her way to the window and pushed herself out to stand on the balcony. There she stood, scared and numb as she looked down at the city below.

She climbed over the railings and looked at him with a saddened smile. Tears stained his cheeks, he was screaming for her to stop. He screamed for someone to get help, but nobody could hear him because ... he simply wasn't real.

She couldn't hear him, nor anything. Everything went mute.

She could feel her heart beat through her chest and started to listen to the unsteady rhythm.

Taking one last look, she stared at his lifeless brown gorgeous eyes and whispered a quiet "Goodbye".

Her fingers slowly released the rusting cold metal and slowly, she fell backwards. She felt like she was falling in slow motion. Her hair whipped her face as her tears fell like rain drops. She could feel herself slowly dying as she looked at the star riddled sky getting further and further away.

Nearing the ground she closed her eyes knowing it would be forever.

Her body fell from the 31st floor.


But it's not over ......

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