Part 11

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After grabbing some lunch and eating in the colleges cafeteria by myself, I head back.

"Breathe, everything's going to be fine." I whisper to myself as I walk through the halls of the dance department.

I turn the corner and see Jimin on the phone, pacing back and forth and running his hands through his hair. I stay outside as I don't want to interrupt his call.

(Jimins phone call)


"Hyung, I don't know what to do."

"I know everything will be fine.... it's just so crazy, I've never *mumbles* anyone from those *mumbles*"

"Do I say something? I don't want to come off as creepy or insane."

"I should leave it?"

"I'm going out of my mind."

"Okay hyung I'll see you later. Bye."

(End of phone call)

'What is he talking about?' I think to myself. I wait a couple of seconds and lightly knock on the door. Jimin runs his fingers through is thick hair once again and turns around, his eyes widen a little bit when he sees me.

After a deep breath i enter the studio.

"Hi.." Jimin tries his best to give me a small smile, but confusion and worry still remain on his face.

"Hi.. I Uh got you some lunch? I didn't know what you liked so I just randomly picked, if you don't like it I can go buy something else?" I open my bag and give him a hamburger, fries and a pot of mixed fruits.

"You got me all of this? Wow." His eyes widen.

"If you don't like them I can change-"

"No I love it, thank you." He smiles taking the food and slightly bowing.

"It's okay" I give him a smile.

"Did you not get anything for yourself?" He tilts his head noticing my now empty bag.

"I ate there, I don't really like eating in front of people." I look down at my feet and clear my throat.

"Your like that here too huh?" He whispers to himself but I can still hear him.

"Huh?" My head whips up meet his gaze.

What does he mean by "I'm like that here too.".... has he seen me before?

"Uhhh..... that came out wrong, I mean I get like that too sometimes." His eyes shifts around the dance studio, not meet my confused eyes.

"Ah..... umm.. did you manage to find a song for your dance?" I quickly change the subject.

"Not yet, it turns out it's tougher than I expected to find the right song.....would you be able to help me find one?" He tilts his head cutely.

I see that you still carry your charms, even from another dimension park Jimin.

"Of course." I smile.

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