Chapter 1

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(Mackenzie's POV)


That's all I saw

Red everywhere. Blood all over the walls and floors

I looked in front of me to see them dead. The nasty kids who hurt me. I then heard a scream, and turned to see a teacher behind me

"What have you done?!" She screached

Her voice was full of fear

I then noticed I had blood on my hands... Their blood

I bolt up from my bed and sigh, realizing it was just a dream

I roll over and see that it's 2:07am

I lay down, and was about to drift of into sleep when I hear yelling from outside and look out my window

I see two teenagers, about my age, yelling looking like there about to get into a fight

I sigh and open the window

"Oi! Could you two find a different street to fight on please?!" I yell out the window

They don't seem to notice me so I close the window and head downstairs and out the front door

"Hey!" I yelled as I approach them "I get you two seem mad but it's 2am so please find someplace else to-" I get cut off as I approach one of the two tall boys and he turns around and punches me straight in the face

I put a hand up to my face as I feel my nose start to bleed

"Jared! You can't hit girl what the fuck dude?!" The other boy yells

Now I'm usually a calm person, I mean my whole family says I'm the embodiment of Winnie the Pooh, but I was exhausted and pissed, so my response wasn't the nicest

I proceed to punch this Jared guy in the face before grabbing his head and bashing it on my knee

After I do this he falls to the ground. His friend looks at me shocked

"As I was saying, please find someplace else to fight. Goodnight boys."

I then turn on my heals and start walking back to the house but a voice stops me

"Who the hell are you?" I hear the Jared boy stutter out

I stop and turn my head back "Kenzie. Now fuck off."


I'm awoken by my alarm

I grone and turn it off, sitting up in my bed

I look out the window and see the sun isn't up yet. I throw my legs over the end of the bed and get up, heading to the washroom

I go in and look into the mirror, my blue orbs staring back at me. I see my face only bruised a little, and that it wasn't noticeable. It was surprising considering how pail my skin is. I put some white powder on my face to help clear up my skin, and I put on some simple eye makeup

I then brush my blonde hair and put it up in a ponytail

I head back to my room to see my new school uniform

It was a white dress shirt, a grey sweater with the school crest on it, a black tie, and I had the chance between a black skirt or dress pants, and some black dress shoes or flats

I look out the window and see it's looking to be a nice warm day, so I chose the skirt and flats

I put on the uniform and grab my backpack from beside my door and my phone

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