Chapter 12

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(Mackenzie's POV)

6 months later

"That's cheating you fucking dornob!" I yell at Porchia as she kills me in Minecraft

"You took my shit you assbut!"

"That's besides the point!"

I sigh and fall back on the bed

Sydney and Matthew then walk in and I sit up looking at them both

"Porchia killed me!" I yell

"It was self defense!"

"What a shame, her killing you the night before prom." Matthew says sitting down beside me on the bed

"Ugh don't remind me, I don't wanna go." I pout

"Why not?" Sydney asks

"You all have dates exept me, Porchia and Nairn, Sydney and that Jaero guy, I'm all alone!"

"What about me? I don't have a date."

"You don't count."

"Thanks, if you want I could take you."

"That's so straight!"

"It wouldn't be in any way romantic if that helps."

"Just two dude going to dance together cuz their both totally gay and not straight?"

"Exactly that." He says laughing

"Fine fine I'll go."

"Yay! Good job Matthew. Anyways it's late you two should get to bed." Sydney says to me and Porchia

"But mommmmm!" Porchia wines

"No buts, it's bedtime kids. Plus you're both really fucking loud and thats why we came in here."

We then say our goodbyes to Sydney and Matthew and get to bed


I flop back on the bed as Sydney finally finishes my makeup for prom

"This is so stupid." I mumble to myself

"Calm down there grouchy, you look lovely, plus, I did what you asked and made it simple." Sydney says before making me sit up so I don't ruen my hair

"I'm gonna go get my dress on." I say as I walk to the bathroom with my dress and heals

I put everything on and look in the mirror

My dress was a soft pastel purple and my heals were black

The dress fell right above my knees and was flowy

I was wearing a black cardigan with it for it had short sleeves

I walked out of the washroom to find Porchia and Sydney both ready and they look at me

"Holy shit." Porchia says looking at me "you look hot Kenzie."

"You both look way better, Im not use to the whole dress and heals thing." I say pulling on the sleeves of my cardigan

"Anyways, we should get going the guys are waiting." Sydney says

We both nod and follow her and we head over to the main building

Prom was being held in the gym of the main building

Once we arrive at the pain building we walk in and im obviously nervous, I mean I've never been to a dance before

I follow behind the girls as we give the two guys at the entrance our tickets and we walk in

I follow them as we go on a hunt to find our dates

There was security everywhere, and I mean it's not surprising considering this is a school of Psychos

Sydney and Porchia find Nairn and Jaero but I still can't find Matthew

I sigh and take a seat at one of the tables that were set up

I pick up one of the scattered rose petals and start ripping it up

I then feel the presents of someone behind me and look to see Matthew

I stand up and smile at him

He was wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants and suspenders and a black bowtie

"You look gay." Is the first thing to leave my mouth

"You look nice too." He says with a laugh

"So, how does one 'prom'?"

"Like hell if I know I don't usually do this shit."

"Ugh, is there alcohol?" I ask eger to drink

"Not here no... But there is back as my place. But the dance just started so we're not leaving yet it'll be to suspicious."

"When can we leave?"

"Hmm, hour and a half."

"Okie, till then, we shall dance!" I say before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the gym where everyone else was


Me and Matthew were dancing to our last dance of the night, it was one of those slow songs and I had no clue what I was doing

We move in circles as he leads showing me how to dance so I don't mess up

Once the song is over we skip out and head back to his dorm

We enter his dorm and I flop down on his bed waiting for him to get the alcohol

"Here." He says tossing me a beer

"Oh fuck off, where's the vodka?"

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask, but fine." He goes back and grabs a bottle of it and pores me a cup

"Thank you." I say as he hands it to me

He gets himself a cup and sits down beside me

"So-" he says taking a sip "-You exited to graduate?"

"Fuck ya, what about you?"

"Finally glad to get out of this hell hole. Did you hear they have a university section of this school, basically a university for people like us?"

"Fuck that, honestly I don't need to go to university, were both the top of our classes and we're geniuses."

"True, so you just wanna leave?"

"You and me, were gonna go on the best trip ever, we'll trail the world, kill people, see sighs and different countries, kill some more people." I say with a light laugh

"Sounds like a pretty good plan, but what about Porchia and Sydney?"

"I'll keep in touch, and we'll come back and visit. Im sure they won't mind."

"Okay, when do we leave?"

"Night of the graduation. We skip the party, pack our shit. And head off."

"Sounds like a pretty good plan, you don't think they'll notice?"

"Na, and if they do then whatever. It's worth it, I just need to get away."

He nods as I take another sip from my cup

"Hey dude."

"Yeah?" He says looking at me

"Tonight wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be."

"Agreed. No hetro."

"No hetro."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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