Chapter 5

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(Mackenzie's POV)

Its been three days since I killed Austin

No one's addressed the matter yet, even though it was only Tuesday

I walked into my maths class and took my seat, waiting for the morning anouncments

Once they start, were all surprised to hear the principal come on and speak

"Hello, everyone. A student who attends this school had gone missing. We have not yet found him or a body. His name is Austin King. If you know any details on this, please address us at once. Thank you."

I ignore everything else that is said, for I was caught up in my own thoughts

I didn't pay any attention in class, and when the bell when I was surprised at how fast everything went

I stand up and Matthew puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me concerned

I just smile at him and walk out of the class


It was lunch and everyone was in the cafeteria, but I needed to clear my head, so I decided to go to the court yard

I sit under the tree and start sketching when I hear someone speak

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" I look up and see a short girl, her hight reminded me of an elf

She had long brown hair that was pulled up in a pony tail and hazaly brown eyes

"Drawing?" I say not knowing what else to say

"Hm, interesting. Not many people come out here at lunch." She says plopping herself down beside me

I just nod

"What's you're name?" She asks

"Kenzie, you?"

"Sydney. So, what are you in for?" She asked in a preppy voice

"Oh, un, Depression, eating disorder, psychotic thoughts. You?"

"Schizophrenia." She says looking at my sketchbook and taking it from my hands

"H-hey!" I say trying to snatch it back

I fail and she takes a look in it, the drawings were... Gory? No that wasn't exactly it, they just weren't normal

"Their really good." She says handing it back with a smile

"Thanks, I don't usually get that." I say smiling

"Well, their lovely."

"Kenzie?" I hear a voice call out and I look behind us to see Porchia, when she notices Sydney she suddenly looks a little scared

"Hey Porchia, come sit." I say patting the patch of grass beside me

She hesitantly walks over and sits down beside me

"So, I'm guessing you two know eachother?" I say

"We have Science together yeah." Porchia says

Sydney's still quite perky and Porchia shy

The three of us then talk for a bit before I starts to wonder

"Where's Matthew?"

"Hm? Oh, he was called in to see the headmaster, that's why I came here." Porchia says and I bolt up

"I gotta go!" I say running out without grabbing any of my stuff

I run down the halls, bumping into people here and there and I finally reach the headmasters office

I then see Matthew walk out and I run up to him and pull him behind me till were outside the side of the school

"What did he say?!" I ask concerned

"He just asked about Austin." He says and I push him against the wall

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing, just that I had Maths with him and hadn't seen him all weekend. Now let me go."

"Make me." I say, I didn't dislike Matthew, I just didn't like how he thought he could tell me what to do

He then switches our position and shoves me against the wall

"Pardon? Who's the one against the wall now?"

His arm was against my neck cutting off my air supply

"K-kinky." I managed to choke out

He then let's go and we both start laughing

"Its funny how you seem to think you're in anyway incharge here." He says

"Just stay on my good side and you'll stay off the hit list."

"Really and whos on that list?"

"Just one guy for now." I say


"I was thinking of getting rid of him soon, if you're up for helping."

He smiles "well, I don't have much of a choice."


It was later in the day, I had done my afternoon classes and after that hung out with Matthew, it was now around 8:30 when I finally get back to my room

I walk in and see Porchia sitting there like she was waiting for me

"Where have you been?" She asks

"Out with Matthew, sorry for not letting you know. It slipped my mind."

"Well, either way, we need to talk." She says pulling out my sketchbook

I then realize I left it along with my bag with Porchia and Sydney back at lunch

"What are these?" She asks clearly talking about the drawings

"Drawings. I mean there the main reason I got sent to this place." I say and she looks at me worried

"Kenzie is everything okay? And why is Austin in here drawn brutally murdered, and a big 'X' over his face?"

"The 'X' is only there cuz he finally stoped bugging me." I say going to sit on my bed

She then looks worried but doesn't push farther

She walks over to my bed and sets the book down on it before sitting down beside me and giving me a hug

I'm a little shockedat first, but then hug back

"I'm always here for you, and I'll always be on you're side, remember that Kenzie." She says and I nod

The rest of the night was quite, we just watched movies and talked. But I couldn't get something off my mind

Why was she being so nice when I just met her? Did I know her before I came here and I just don't remember? Is she just naturally really nice?

This kept bugging me and I couldn't sleep

I noticed Porchia passed out beside me on my bed

I got up and went over to the light switch by Porchias side of the room

I go to turn it off when I notice a picture on her wall, she had a lot of them, but one photo looked to be of her in maybe 8th or 9th grade, but it's not that that caught my attention, it was who she was with

It was me


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