Chapter 8

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(Mackenzie's POV)

I sat beside Matthew as the girl took a seat across from us

"So, how do you know Matthew?" She askes me

"Oh, we attend school together." I say nervous to even move

"Interesting, I'm transferring to that school, the other one was stupid."

"So she tried to burn it to the ground." Matthew states clearly annoyed by it

"W-what? Wait you tried to burn down your old school?" I wasn't as concerned for the people but I was shocked at how stupid she was if she got caught

"Yeah, didn't work out so well. So now I'm going to school with you guys."

"Okay. I'm Mackenzie by the way." I say introducing myself

"I'm Bella."

"Anyways Kenzie, it was nice talking but we should get going." Matthew says standing up

I stand up to "okay, it was nice talking." I say giving him a fake smile, for I was quite upset that he was leaving

He then hugs me and I'm a bit shocked at first but I hug back

He then pulls back and waves goodbye as him and Bella leave the café

Sydney then walks up and stands beside me

"The voices don't like her."

"I can see why. Come on, let's get going." I say grabbing my stuff as Sydney grabs her own

We head out of the Starbucks and I follow Sydney down the street

We walk for a little bit before Sydney stops outside a store and she pulls on my arm pulling me in

We walk in and start looking around

"So, Sydney. How'd you get in the back back there at Starbucks?" I ask still confused as to how she did that

"Well I work there silly, how else?"

"Wait you work there? Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"You never asked." She says with a smile as she pulls a soft pastel pink dress off the rack

I follow her as she moves through the store

She was picking up some pastel sweaters and shirts along with black sweaters with quoteie stuff on them 

She then stops once we've gone through most of the store and she hands me the stuff once we're in front of the dressing room

"Go try this stuff on." She says

"Wait, why?"

"Just do it." She then nudges me into the dressing room

The stuff she got consisted of two black sweaters, one saying 'Normal People Scare Me' and the other saying 'All Monsters Are Human'

Then there were a few pastel coloured sweaters, a pink and soft yellow one, that looked like my blue one I was wearing right now

And the there was a soft pastel pink dress that she got a white cardigan to go with and then a dress similar but black with a black cardigan

I tried everything on and showed her each outfit

Once I was done I walked out holding all the stuff

"Do you like it?" She asks

"Yeah, their actually quite nice."

"Good." She says before taking everything and heading to the cash

"Sydney what are you doing?" I ask as she reaches the cash

"Getting you a gift."

"Sydney it's fine you don't have to."

She waves at me as if to tell me to shh

She then speaks to the lady and pays before the lady gives her another bag

She then takes the bags and starts walking out of the store and I follow

"What was that?" I ask

"My uncle owns the shop so I get a massive discount, and I also had to pick up an order."

She then passes me my bags

"How much do I own you?" I ask

"How about a French vanilla?"

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, friends get friends gift, this is your gift, and mine can be a French vanilla."

I just nod as we keep walking


It was later in the day and I had gone home, u was now putting away the stuff me and Sydney got, and putting some of it in my backpack to take back to school

I was going back today because I wanted to see Porchia and hopefully get to hang out with Matthew some more

Once I was done I said my goodbyes and was out the door

I headed down to the school and once I got there I headed straight to my doarm

Once I arrived in my room I saw Porchia sitting on the bed cuddling with Nairn, they hadn't yet noticed my presents

"Sup heterosexuals." I say putting my bag on the floor

"Kenzie, hey. How was your night?" Porchia says sitting up in Nairn's lap

I then have a quick flashback to what happened with Jared

"It was lovely. And you guys?"

"It was good. Oh, also I thought I should let you know there's this new girl and she's literally attached to Matthew, we saw them a few times today when we were just walking around and she was clung to his arm each time."

"Oh joy!" I say sarcastically as I plop down on my bed

"Someone seem jealous." Nairn says

"You got that right, as long as she doesn't take him away completely." I say back

"What are you gonna do if she does?" Porchia asks nervously

"Like my dad always told me growing up, to win the prize, you gotta get rid of the compilation."


It had been a week, a FUCKING WEEK, and Bella completely had Matthew's attention, they were always together and I couldn never get the chance to talk to Matthew cuz she always got in the way

"Matthew!" I yell as I run down the hall

I finally reach him but Bella pulls me aside

"Fuck off." She says bluntly


"Stay away from Matthew, I don't wanna ever see you or your friends around him again, or else."

She then goes back over to him and pulls him away

-flashback over-

I sat on my bed with Porchia and Sydney as I remember this incident, it's happened more that once this week, and Bella even went after me at one point but Sydney managed to stop her

I look up as Porchia and Sydney. talked about some book and I was off in space

"Kenzie? You okay?" Porchia asks and I just nod yes

"No she's not." She then wispers to Porchia "The voices think it's about Matthew and Bella."

"It is." I say sitting up properly and looking at them

"Well what about them?"

"I haven't gotten to talk to Matthew in a week and it pisses me off."

"Well why don't we just get rid of the competition?" Sydney asks

"That's actually a lovely idea."


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