Chapter 6

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(Mackenzie's POV)

I laid beside Porchia in my bed, and couldn't sleep

Maybe the girl in that photo just looked a lot like me?

No. Its impossible, she even has the same beauty mark under her eye as me

I finally distract my mind and drifted into a deep sleep


Blood was everywhere, yet it didn't bother me

I looked over, I saw... Porchia? Or at least a younger version of her

She was saying something, it was hard to hear though

"Kenzie! We gotta go come on!"

She pulled at my arm but I didn't move as I looked at the bloody scene before me

There were two dead kids

I then heard someone else come in and yell "what did you do?! You're fucking crazy! Why did you do this?!"

I turn to them and remember what happened

"They were hurting Porchia." Is all I say

They were hurting her, my only friend, the only person I had was being hurt

I had to protect her


I am woken up by Porchia shaking me to get up

"What is it?" I ask groggy

"You were crying..."

I then feel my face and notice I was

I then look up and see how concerned she is

"Why do you care so much about me?"

"What?" She looked confused

"I know you're the one who told the headmaster I was with you the night Austin went missing, but why would you do that unless you knew what I did? And if you did know what I did why would you go through all the trouble of saving me from getting caught? Also, why do you seem to care so much about me even though we just meet? Unless we've met before."

She looked shocked that I said all that but then she speaks "I've lost you once, like hell I'm losing you again." She says before hugging me

I hug her back. It was hard, but I did remember her, little bits and pieces were coming back to me

"What happened to me?" I ask softly

She doesn't answer but then speaks "After all those kids you... Killed, in year 8, they couldn't risk you hurting anyone else, they messed with your memory and tried to conciel your Psychotic side, it clearly got triggered by something though. And that's why you killed Austin. But when they took you away they refused to let anything from your past life be in contact with you, and that's why I couldn't see you anymore..."

I hug her tighter, everything was flowing back, and I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time... Sadness? Happiness? Love?

Yes, all of those things. I was sad that I couldn't find this out till now. Happy that I had her now. And I felt I cared so much about Porchia, I love her so much

I remember everything... And suddenly I was angry for the fact that they did that to me, they took away the only person I had

But I was glad because now I had her back


It was now Friday

I sat in my last class-English- and I was so glad it was the weekend

I finally got to go home and see my pets and parents

The bell went and I hopd up from my seat, but before I could go out the door I was stoped by Sydney

"Any plans for this weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm heading home tonight. You?"

"Na, I was thinking of going into town tomorrow, wanna join me since you don't live far from town?" She asks

I nod "sure, I don't see why not."

She smiles "Okay, see you tomorrow then." And she then skips out of the classroom

I leave and head to my room, and grab my backpack

I then say my goodbyes to Porchia for the weekend and head out

It was getting a little dark already, but I didn't live far so I didn't mind walking

Once I arrive home I am greated by my parents

We talk for a while about school and other stuff before I decide to head upstairs to my room

When I walk in I notice my cat, Rosalie

She was a slick black cat and loved attention

She comes up to me and rubs herself against my leg

I reach down and pet her before I stand back up and head to set my bag besides my bed

I plopped down on my bed and drift into a light sleep


I wake up and feel a cold sweat on my body

I had another dream, but this one was different... Because in this one I was killing someone who was still alive... Jared

I get up and get a change of clothes and go into the bathroom

I hop into the shower and clean myself up

Once I'm done I get out and get dressed and brush my hair and teeth

I then feel a itching at my skin

This hasn't happened in a while, it only happened when I felt the need to kill

I then run to my room and grab my phone and call Matthew


"Hello?" Matthew answers

"Matthew, I-I need your help.  I... I feel the need t-to kill..."

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

He then hangs up and I go and sit on my bed

I check the time and notice it's 10:45

About ten minutes later Matthew is standing outside my house

I run down and quietly go out the door

I approach him and hug him

"Thank you for coming."

"Of course, I mean who else is gonna help you kill Jared tonight?"

I laugh "well first we gotta find him."

"Done, he's out drinking, not far into town."

"Okay." I nod before handing him a knife, I have a few, David gave them to me because as far as he knows I collect them

We then head off to where Jared is supposed to be


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