Chapter 9

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(Mackenzie's POV)

Porchia looked confused and concerned

"Wait wait wait, you're not gonna kill her are you?" She asks looking at me and Sydney

"Porchia, you took a coding class yeah?" I asks


"So you learned hacking?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need you to hack into the camera system and turn them all off, then me and Sydney will deal with everything else." I say

"Fine, but only cuz otherwise you'd get caught."

I smile at her then hug her thanking her before I stand up

"Come on Sydney, we need to get rid of her, and I know just where to do it."

I grab the things we'll need, two knifs (one for each of us) some hand sanitizer, matches, and some other stuff

I give Sydney a knif and help her hide it in her belt and I do the same

After about 30 minutes Porchia has all the security cameras off and we head out

I know exactly where Bella is at this point, it's 8:55 and curfew is in five minutes, meaning Bella is heading back to the girls dorm building

We wait till she reaches the door before I grab her from behind and put a chloroform soaked cloth over her mouth and nose knocking her out


Me and Sydney managed to carry her body out into the forest, quite far in. This forest was connected to everything I'm the town, and it was fenced off for the school but we can jump it

We were at a clearing where teens go to party and have bomb fires

We tie her up and Sydney falls to the ground exhausted

"This is more tiering than I expected." She says

"Its not that bad, but it's worth it in the end."

I then hear Bella start to wake up

I approach her and she opens her eyes and tries to move

"What the fuck is going on?!" She asks looking around

"Hey Bella, were gonna have some fun." I say pulling my knife out

I place it at her throat and she wimpers "why are you doing this?!"

"Because hun, I gotta get rid of the competition." I say before lightly cutting her neck, not enough to kill her

I then watch her wimper in pain and struggle to get out

"Ugh you're no fun, might as well make it quick." I then stab her in the chest

She struggles at first but stops moving as the life fares from her body

I then pull the knife out and stand up and turn to Sydneys

"That was fun."  I say walking over to her

"Yep, now how do we get rid of the body?"

"Hmm, we could burn it? I mean it's a Friday night so no one will expect a thing."

Sydney nods and goes to help me thrown the body in the fire pit

Once it's in we pore on some gasoline and set it ablaze

Then, my phone goes off

I check it and it was Porchia

"Hello Psychopath and Crazy chick here." I say

"Kenzie! You have to get back here now! Matthew is looking for Bella and I don't know what to do!" She wisper-yells into the phone

"Shit! Were on our way. Keep him acupide."

I then hang up and tell Sydney what happened, we clean up the scene and grab our stuff and start running

(Porchia's POV)

I exit the bathroom and walk into the main room where Matthew was

"So, any luck?"

"No, she's not answering her phone, and I don't know where she could be at this time." He says and I nod

"Well, maybe she's sleeping?"

*Maybe... By the way, where's Kenzie and Sydney?"

"Oh, you know those two, probably off being lesbians together somewhere." Me saying this seemed to bother him a little bit he speaks again

"Okay, I just wanted to apologize to Kenzie for not spending time with her at all this week, Bella has been a lot of work to deal with, and she never leaves me alone."

"Yeah, I understand that. I'm sure Kenzie will understand." I say knowing he won't have to worry about Bella again

Before anything else can be said Kenzie and Sydney walk in the frot door

(Mackenzie's POV)

Me and Sydney walk in calmly as to not draw attention

"Hey, wats up?" I ask

"Bella isn't answering her phone and I don't know where she is." Matthew says

"Shes probably sleeping Matthew, not everyone is a night owl like you." I say walking over to sit on my bed

"True, but still, she always answers her phone."

"I'm sure she's fine. The voices say everything is fine." Sydney says

We all look at her for a second before Matthew speaks again

"Still, what if something happened?"

"Matthew, how about you wait till morning then go check on her, to see if she's okay. Kay?"

"Okay, fine. I guess you have a bit of a point. I'll see you guys later." He says as he waves goodbye as he leaves

Once the door is close and we all know he's out of hearing range I speak

"That was a close one."

"You almost got caught!" Porchia says

"Yeah, but we didn't. You can turn the cameras back on now."

Porchia goes and does her hacky thing and turns them back on messing with the time frame of them

I then lay down on my bed, proud of the work I've done as I remember everything that happened

Most say I'm sick for finding joy in this, but I don't get why they say that. Saying I'm sick makes its sound like there's a cure for what I have, but I know there's no cure, they've tried but it hasn't worked. Proving society has no cure for me, and we'll, that's a them problem, not a me problem. And as long as they don't get in my way it's no problem at all

But anyways, I prefer being called twisted

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