Chapter 3

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(Mackenzie's POV)

The bell went signaling that class was over and it was now lunch

Porchia and I stand up from the patch if grass and I follow her to the cafeteria

Once there is see Matthew and lead Porchia over to him

"Hey Matthew, this is Porchia, Porchia, this is Matthew." I say introducing the two

"Nice to meet ya." Matthew says

"You too."

Me and Porchia sit down and Porchia speaks up

"Hey Matthew, if you don't mind me asking, what are you in for?"

"Well, I use to live with my grandparents. And they think being gay is a mental illnesses so yeah, they didn't seem to notice how I'm a bit of a sociopath."

Porchias gaw drops "They put you in cuz you're gay?!"

"Pansexual. And yes."

"Yo cool. I mean, not that you got stuck in this hell hole, but that you're not straight, you're the only other Pan person I've ever meet." I say smiling

"Am I the only straight one here?" Porchia askes

"Most likely." Matthew says


We look up from the table and over to see two guys standing there, one of them was around my hight, and had dirty short blonde hair and brown eyes. The other, was tall, with dark brown hair and eyes

I recognized the brown haired boy from the other night

"What are you doing here? We've been looking everywhere." The blonde boy says

"Nairn, David, this is Kenzie and Matthew. Kenzies my new roommate and she saved peep from a tree. And Matthew is her friend." Porchia says

"Ey, that's the girl who beat the shit outta Jared." David says with a smirk

"He had it coming to him, I tried being nice but he swung first. In my defense I was protecting myself."

"You broke his nose." Nairn says

"Wow, and I wasn't even trying." I say and Matthew lets out a laugh

"Well Kenzie I didn't know you were one to beat the shit out of perverted boys." Matthew says

"What do you mean?" Porchia asks

"She beat the shit out of Austin in maths."

"Okay, she may have beat up Jared but if she did that to Austin this girl is approved of." Nairn says smiling

"Good." I say before standing "Now, me and Matthew have to go, see you guys later." I then proceed to pull Matthew from his seat and exit the cafeteria

"What was that about? I didn't get to finish my sandwich." He asks as we walk down the hall

"I saw Brynn approaching and thought I'd save us the trouble."

"Well, thank you then." He says with a smile

I just nod as we keep walking


It was the end of the day and Porchia was taking me to our room. It wasn't a long walk from the other building

Once we arrive outside the room she pulls out two keys and gives one to me

"Don't lose it, it's the only other copy."

I nod at this and she opens the door walking in and I follow her

We walk into the room and I see one side, it has a messy bed what has black and silver sheets and art stuff lying around and a desk with a laptop and desk chair at it and a wardrobe in the corner

I then look over to what I'm guessing is my side of the room, it has black sheets, and blanket. And on it are a few of my plushies, and above the bed is a net with the rest of my plushies in it, and I smile knowing my dad put it there. I then look to see I also have a desk with a laptop and desk chair and I see my bags right beside it and I see I also have a wardrobe in the corner

"Sorry about the mess." Porchia says as she starts to pick up articles of clothing that were lying around the room

"Its fine." I say taking a seat on the end of my bed

The rest of the night went well, Porchia helped me finish my unpacking and we just watched movies and talked

Around 2am Porchia passed out, yet I couldn't sleep

I decided to go for a walk, so, I pulled a pair of jeans on and my oversized hoodie and some sneakers and went out

I walked around and went outside to get some fresh air. Once outside I noticed three familier voices

I walked to the side of the building and saw David, Nairn, and Jared

I approached them and noticed they weren't just hanging out. They were smoking joints

"What are you boys doing out past curfew?" I say and all three of them jump

"Jesus Kenzie don't do that to us. And plus, you're out too." David says

"Well I'm not the one with weed am I?"

"Shut up." Nairn says and I smile

"That's not very nice to say." I say walking closer to them

I noticed Jered is staring me down and I just smile inoccently

"So how are you boys doing?"

"Well I mean besides the broken nose, fine." Jared says and I smirk

"Well you brought it on yourself, I was just defending myself."

Jared looks like he's ready to attack me but he speaks "The only reason I'm not still pissed is cuz you beat up Austin this morning."

"He was being a ass, he deserved it. Anyways, I'd love to stay and talk but I cant." I say "bye boys."

I then walk off. As walking around I happen to walk past the boys dorm building

I feel someone grab me and pin me to the wall

I struggle till I hear a voice "Pretty little girls like you shouldn't be out this late at night."


"Let me go!" I spit at him as I struggle under his grip

"Make me."

He moves closer and once his head is close enough I smash mine off it and he falls back, I then bolt and head back to the girls dorm building

Once back I get inside and go back to my room and get inside

I take my shoes and jeans off and plop down on my bed now exhausted and I pass out


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