Chapter 11

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(Mackenzie's POV)

Brynn was now tied up and had duck tape over her mouth

She was sitting in a chair as me and Sydney looked around

"When's she gonna wake up? I wanna do something!" Sydney whines

"Soon, if you didn't punch her so hard we wouldn't have this problem."

"Well if you-" Sydney is cut off by the sound of Brynn waking up

Sydney put her hand on the knife sitting in her belt, as she looked at me as to ask for approval

"Do whatever you want-' I say waving her off "-but don't kill her."

She smiles and hops over in front of Brynn pulling out her knife and making a deep cut on Brynn's leg

I watch as she slashes and cuts at Brynn and I'm quite impressed by her work, and confused at her sudden ergd to kill


It had been an hour and Sydney was finally done, she had torchered Brynn quite well, maybe even worce than I did with Austin

I walked over and ripped the duck tape off Brynn's mouth, looking at the deep cuts that covered her body, along with the burns and other marks, all caused by Sydney

I stand in front of her as she looks at me with pure fear

"I hope you know, it's nothing personal." I say before sliting her throat killing her fast

I watch the life and colour leave her eyes and find joy in it

Sydney smiles and stands up from the bed she was sitting on

We manage to clean up everything in record time

We put Brynn's body in a body bag Sydney braought and once the scene is cleans and there's no possible evidence left we leave the room

We head out of the building and I follow Sydney for she said she had a way to get rid of the body

She takes me to the garbage disposal

It's basically this big machine that grinded up garbage and stuff

We end up dumping her body in it, as Sydney informs me that it is started up everything Sunday, and it was Saturday night

Once we're done with the body we dump the body bag in it too, cuz from what Sydney told me it can take a lot


We finished getting rid of everything and we're back at the room now, I turn the cameras on normally now and Sydney heads into my bathroom to take a shower and clean up. Once she's done I do the same

Once we're both cleaned up and in our PJ's (she borrowed some of mine) we sit wand just watch movies for the rest of the night

It felt different thought, to kill with someone else and act like it was nothing. I'm so use to hanging out with Matthew after and us sitting and watching crappy horrier movies

I sigh and lay back in my bed and I guess Sydney could tell in my change in mood for she stops the movie and looks at me

"What's wrong?"

"I miss Matthew."

"Oh, I'm sorry.... We had fun tonight though right?"

I smile at her "of course, it was amazing."


It's been about a week since we killed Brynn and Matthew decided he wanted to take me to met his family

I sigh as I sit in the passenger seat and look out the window

He lived a good bit away from the school so it was a long rid and it had been silent the whole time till he spoke

"You killed Bella."

I act like his words don't suprise me "what's with the sudden change in silence?"

"Kenzie, why?"

"Why not? I was board."

He lets out a heavy sigh "Kenzie this is getting out of hand."

"Really? Well sorry I killed your little friend but she was taking you away from me! What was I supposed to do? Sit back and watch as you leave me like everyone else does?!"

"Kenzie thats not what I mean and you know that, I understand why you did it, and I'm not mad... I'm not particularly happy about it either but I'm not mad. Look, I just wanted to say that if we're gonna keep on like this it's not safe to stay in one place."

"I need to graduate otherwise my parents will kill me."

"Well you have seven months left, do you think we can stay on the downlow till then?"

"I don't know, maybe. It depends on my mental state."

"Understandable. Just, please don't kill anyone else at the school. We can't risk getting caught."

"Fine Dad."

"Don't call me dad."

"What? Do you prefer me to call you something else?"

He sighs again "Just shh. Enjoy the ride."

We arrive at his house after about another hour and it went pretty well

His parents were supper nice and from what Matthew told me he thinks his mum like me more than him

We sat in the lounge and just talked about random stuff when we got onto the topic of movies

We ended up watching a shitty horror movie just to make fun of it

The night was amazing, for once we had fun like this and no one died prior to it

After the movie I started thinking

"Hey Matthew..."


"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Pardon?" He looks up concerned

"Is there something wrong with me? I mean, like, it's not normal to want to kill people right?"

"Well, not particularly. But it's okay not to be normal. It's a good thing go be strange, normalness leads to sadness."

"That litteraly makes no sense." I say smiling

"But it made you smile and that's all that matters."

I then hug him. Matthew gives the best hugs and no matter the situation they always make me feel better. Like everything is gonna be okay and get better

He hugs me back and after a long hug we lay down on the air mattress and say our goodnights before falling asleep

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