Chapter 5

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I woke up to a soft knock on the door; the nurse.

“O-oh um…. Hi. S-sorry to disturb you but I wanted to let y-you know y-you can leave anytime n-now.” She stuttered.

“Okay, thank you.” I nodded her off.

She stood there leaning on the door a few seconds admiring Nialls beauty. I clear my throat and gave her a ‘he’s-mine-fuck-off’ look. She scurried out of the room before I could say anything else.

Most people are intimidated by my looks. Brown hair, weird green eyes, and tattoos. LOTS of tattoos. I have them mostly on my collar bone and lower back. I plan on getting a few for those areas on my wrist. I also have a few piercings. I have one on my left brow and one on my lower lip. I have one on my ear cartilage. I’m not a big fan of having metal dangle from my ears. I wear natural makeup unlike my friends who, I’m sorry to say this, are whores. I only wear a black smokey eye on special occasions. I get weird looks where ever I go. I don’t EVER give a fuck.

I actually have had a few boyfriends before. Most of them are either to innocent or they abuse me. For the ones who are innocent, I let them free. But the others don’t have it so easy.


“You stupid whore! You stupid, lying whore!” Luke screamed with anger. He reached over and threw a vase towards my head. I ducked down to avoid it colliding with my face.

I reached down to my pocket and gripped my phone. I speed dialed Niall, knowing he was with Zayn. It rang four times before he answered.

“Kasey? What’s wrong?” He asked as a plate smashed against the wall behind me.

“It’s Luke,” I panted “Bring the special kit.”

I hung up and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I drew the pocket knife from my boot, waiting for Luke to come around the corner.

“Come out, come out, where ever you are..” he sang.

I hid behind the couch when I saw fire red hair come around the corner.  His grey eyes met mine and a smile from ear to ear appeared on his face.

“Found you.” He giggled.

He launched at me, reaching for my hair to pull me back with. I moved out of the way in time as he flew face first with the coffee table besides the couch. The glass shattered against his face. Little bits of glass sliced his face and eyelids, earning droplets of blood from the cuts.  Luke used his arms to lift himself back up, making sure he didn’t land in the shattered glass again. His head scanned the room looking for me. Unfortunately, I was right behind him. I used my boot to slam him back into the shards. A soft groan escaped his lips when he made contact.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. That’s my cue. I ran towards the hallway, making sure Luke was behind me. I then made my way to the front door. Passing through it then spinning around to see both Niall and Zayn holding Luke back with their arms. Zayn was holding a brown suitcase with many pockets and zippers on the side. It also had a big red fragile logo spread across it.

“This will only take a moment.” Niall winked at me.

They brought Luke inside and shut the front door so I wouldn’t see them. I sprawled across the green grass, the baby pieces tickling my legs and arms. I stared at the stars. I then heard Luke pained screams.


I relax instantly at the yelling and commotion inside the house. I then hear a saw roaring to life at the screams become more muffled. A few gurgling sounds and whispered are heard then the screams start up again. My eyes become heavy from me growing tired. Some people may call this life psychotic, but I call it a fair.



Sorry this is a short chapter! Me and my family are preparing for a garage sale (mentally gags)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! ILYASM! ~Ke

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