Chapter 1

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"Kasey sweetheart, you wouldn't shoot me would you?" Adam had that stupid ass smirk on his face. God I hated it so much

"Shutup!" I yelled. I took the barrel of the gun and bashed the side of his face. A loud crack rang through my ears.

"Stupid Bi-"

I smacked him with the barrel again before he could finish his sentence.

"What the fuck did I tell you about talking, huh?" I spat at his face.

"Just do us all a favor and drop the gun. You probably don't even know how to use it."

He was wrong. Of course I knew how to use it. Why in the world would I be threatening him if I didn't?

"I do know how."

He roared with laughter. The whole warehouse echoed with the horrid sound.

"You may know how to use it, but you don’t have the guts to do it!"

"Try me!" I yelled.

He stood to his feet, inching closer every second.

"I’m warning you!" I took a few steps back.

"Do it."

I try to pull the trigger but my finger didn’t want to cooperate.

"See? You can’t even pull the trigger for your poor Niall back in the hospital who I 'accidently' shot" he chuckled.

A loud bang screamed through the warehouse. My hand flung back towards my body. I heard a clink against the floor and saw what was left of a bullet.

Adam screeched as he realize that I shot him. Too bad it went into his shoulder.

"You little Bi-"

I hurried and kicked him in the groin, causing him to groan in pain and fall on the floor.

I rushed out the backdoor as i heard sirens approaching the front. The cold winter air smack me in the face as i made it outside.

My first instinct was to grab Niall and get out of this town right away.

One of the cop cars greeted me by the forest. I ducked behind the garbage can to hide myself.


My head peaked out from behind the trash. Zayn was in the front seat of the car.

"Zayn you scared me half to frickin' death!" I scolded him.

"You're welcome I got your fine ass out of here!" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes in response and hopped in the passenger seat.

Zayn flipped on the sirens as if we had somewhere to go.

"Zen, where are we going?" He hated when I called him that.

"One, don’t you dare call me that. Two, you'll see."

I searched through the glove box looking for a joint. Zayn seemed to know what i was looking for and handed me one from the car door. I thanked him and immediately light the joint and took a huge puff of it. I sighed in relief.

"Where did you get this? I thought we were out.." I asked.

"I know people." he simply stated.

I finally saw where we were going. We pulled into Nialls hospital.


Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying the story so far! ILYASM ~Ke

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