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it's over
i'm over you
and i know exactly why

you don't talk to me anymore—
more so, we don't talk anymore
and i don't hear your voice

i don't see your face
every day
like i used to

and i got used to
that which is now over

but i know if you just call my name
flash me your smile
it'd be over
i'd be over
and not over in the sense of moving past
not that kind of over

but the head-over-heels kind of over
where i know i'll never be over
and your voice, so smooth and even
and your smile, so bright
and your face, so beautiful
and your laugh, shimmering like a sunrise over a lake in a cool autumn morning
and your song, so soft and full of emotion

and what sweet music it sings in my heart

and what a broken heart i have
i will never
be over you.

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