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soft, gentle, sweet,
slowly threading fingers through tangled curls,
careful not to pull,
no design in mind, just feeling

slow, rhythmic, lighting up nerve endings like waves,
repeating, crashing over and over and sending shivers down a spine,
a contented sigh, a smile, cheek pressing closer against a thigh

scratching lightly over the close-shaven sides, brunet waves covering a jean-clad lap,
soft— but not excessively; simply just right
one hand carefully holding up a book against a sweater-covered side, the other running thin fingers through dark locks

a quiet song drifts in the air,
words left for someone else to focus on, for someone to listen to later,
attention is kept on the words on pages and gently lulling another to sleep,
attention is kept on the fuzzy feeling filling and swelling in a heart, trying to keep the sensation around as long as possible before succumbing to slumber

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