Camp Flog Gnaw

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"Hurry the fuck up nigga!" She yelled throwing on her earl sweatshirt tank top. I groaned and rolled out of my bed. "Nigga what the fuck its 6 in the morning we ain't leaving till 9!" "But I dont wanna be last for there concert you dumb fuck!" I smiled to myself and and went into the bathroom. I took a long shower before getting out and putting on a white cat wang shirt, OF socks,black vans and my black skinny jeans. We took turns straightening our hair and doing our makeup. It was awful having to share our stuff like this but we were sisters so we endured it. When I looked at the time it was 8:30. I looked at karis and rolled my eyes she had on her earl sweatshirt tank top, OF socks, and shorts. "You wanna eat before we leave or...?" She just gave me a dumb look. "Of course not you fuck! Were going to camp flog gnaw best place on earth!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. She grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me along. "Come on nigga we got to goooo!" She pulled me to the car and got in. I rolled my eyes and walked to the drivers side. I got in and started the car backing out of our driveway. "Fuck dude the traffics gonna be fucked up" she rolled her eyes "Kacie shut the fuck up and drive" we both laughed as we blared OF and Tyler, The Creator. We drove in silence except for the music blaring. I was singing along when she screamed. I looked over at her and saw she was screaming at camp flog gnaw. It was fucking huuuuge. I was so excited I didn't realize I had forgotten my phone until we got there. "Fuck" I muttered finding a parking place. Karis jumped out and started running to the entrance I shook my head and got out running after her. "Damn nigga da fuck" she was just beaming. "This is why it was a good thing we were sisters". I had a feeling if I didn't like OF or Tyler she would've murdered me by now. I chuckled to myself as we gave the guy our tickets and were let into the park. We both gaped at everything as we walked past it. We went to the bathrooms and both went so we could spend more time walking than pissing. We got on a few rides and ate some shit before finally it was time for the concerts. We squealed and ran to where the concerts were being held. "Fuck there's hella people here" she squealed again and grabbed my wrist pushing past people in the crowd I laughed as we pushed so many people out of the way. "Nigga slow down!" Finally we got the the front of the stage. "I'm surprised nobody tried to stop us" I looked at all the people behind us. "I really hope taco jumps into the audience. God I would fucking die" she laughed. "Same but with me if it was Tyler" I smiled as we stood there waiting for the concerts to start. It was at least two hours before they finally began.

(so hallo guys :D this is my first fic I've posted on wattpad uh yas so I hope you guys like it.)

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