Chapter 14

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Me and Karis looked at each other. "Maybe its your parents" offered Jasper. "Well then that would mean there zombies because they've been dead for 8 years" "oh...sorry..." I smiled. "Its okay. Kinda just freaked out since we dont talk to many people" we all got out of the pool and dried off. Me and Karis changed. I put on my white cat Wang hoodie and some skinny jeans I bought and my vans. Karis changed into an OF shirt skinny jeans and vans also. We left and we walked so we could delay it. We all talked about who it could be when a realization came to me. "Karis" I grabbed her by her elbow and whispered in her ear so nobody else could hear us. "What if its Michael and Anthony" she gasped. "But why would it be them?" I shrugged. "Because when we broke up with them they said if we ever got in other relationships they would ruin them for us" "but how would thy know were in another relationship" "knowing you you probably posted on facebook!" She cringed "I did. Earlier" I sighed and looked at the group waiting for us. "So you gonna tell em or do I?" She sighed. "I'll do it. I owe you anyway" we started walking and she jogged to catch up with the rest of them. I could hear her talking as I stood far back just watching. Travis glanced back at me which made me cringe. He stopped walking and waited for me. "So you guys think its some crazy exs huh?" I looked down. "Yeah...when we broke up with them they threatened to break up any other relationships we got in" I sighed and kept looking down. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Dont worry. Now that w know what they plan on doing if it is them then we know there lying about anything" I smiled happy that he wasnt mad. I looked up and saw Tyler had his arm around Karis's shoulder too. We kept walking. Eventually we got to the supreme store. Me and Karis stopped and told them all to go in and act normal and we would be in in a minute. "Okay so what are we gonna do if it is them?" I shrugged nervous. "I have no idea. We could...I dont know" I laughed nervously. Me and Karis sighed at the same time. "Let's hope it isnt them" and with that we walked inside. When we walked in we were holding our breath. I cussed under my breath seeing it was Michael and Anthony. "Well well well! What do we have here!" They said walking over to us. Me and Karis sighed and looked at the ground. We told the guys not to do anything unless they tried to lay a finger on us. "So your already in new relationships hmmm?" Anthony said laughing. "Fuck you Anthony!" I yelled looking up. Karis looked at me then looked back at the ground. "Ooooo so scared of you Kacie" I felt my anger bubbling inside of me. "Shut the fuck up already. We broke up with you guys for a fucking reason!" I could see Travis looking at Tyler they were on guard ready to help at a moments notice. "You guys haven't changed one bit in the year we've been seperated" Michael said making Karis look at him. She slapped his hand away and spit at him. "See thats where your wrong" she said. "We have changed. We became happy when we broke up with you guys" that made Anthony laugh "you guys knew you were screaming" he said with a wink. "Yeah but not with yo asses" I could see that made Anthony mad. He reached his hand up but Travis was to him before he even got a chance to swing. Travis grabbed Anthony's hand and Tyler grabbed Michael. Travis punched Anthony and Tyler punched Michael. All hell broke loose. Anthony and Michael started trying to fight back but Travis and Tyler had the upper hand having more people on there side. Left Brain and Clancy grabbed Anthony and Michael and shoved them out the door. "This is so not over!" Anthony screamed and they ran off. I was hyperventilating and I could hear Karis quietly crying. I was about to burst into tears and I didn't want anyone to see me cry so I just held it in and kept hyperventilating. They had hurt us worse than any one else ever could and probably ever will. Tyler and Travis walked over to us but we both cringed away when they tried to touch us. They sighed. "Come on let's just go home. I think you girls can use some sleep" and with that we left walking back to Tyler's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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