Chapter 8

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"Woah this is some strong ass shit Travis" french inhaling. I looked at Karis and saw her scrolling threw her phone. She saw something and burst into laughter. I couldn't help it and started laughing myself. Finally when we calmed down I took the bowl from Taco and lit it. I took to big of a hit and started coughing. I kept the hit in for as long as I could first though. I was coughing so hard I felt like I was gonna puke. Taco got up and came back in with a trash can. "Here I dont want you puking all over my shit" I laughed still coughing. Karis set her phone down and took the bowl from me. "Hey I'm hungry wasnt the pizza supposed to be here by now?" "Ay yo Tyler!" Taco yelled. "What nigga I'm doing shit!" "When was the food supposed to be here!" "An hour I think is what they said nigga damn!" I was still coughing badly. I started heaving. I leaned over the trash can and spit. "Oh god I hope this isn't one of those bad highs" "bad highs?" "Ugh its like...I puke because to much weed or whatever and I get sick" "ah" he stood up. "I think the pizzas here be right back" he left us there Karis staring stupidly. "Nigga ain't you gon light it?" She jerked out of her daze. "Huh? Oh yeah. What?" I rolled my eyes as she lit the bowl. Taco came back a little while later with pizza. "Whoo!" Karis jumped up and ran over to him taking the pizza.

Karis's POV: "damn nigga this pizza is good as fuck" I said already on my second piece. Kacie and Travis just laughed. Tyler came in a minute later with a plate piled with pizza. He plopped down next to Taco on the couch. I looked and Kacie and leaned over whispering. "Do you think they like us" she looked taken aback from the question. "I dont know. Tyler seems like he likes you" she whispered back. "What if...what if he just wants to fuck and dump me?" She shrugged. "Well at least you fucked Tyler the creator" she winked at me and finished her pizza. I felt the blush rising to my cheeks. I dropped the piece of pizza I was holding and started laughing. Kacie joined in and Taco and Tyler looked at us like we were crazy. Tyler shrugged and turned the t.v. on. We sat there watching t.v. for a while before Tyler stood up. "Well I'm going to sleep so" he smiled at me and walked upstairs. I sighed. "What if  he never even asks if I like him" I groaned. I went on like that for about 15 minutes since I saw Taco was asleep. Kacie was curled up against Taco not realizing since we were both still high. "Hmmm eh. I have no idea. I'll ask him tomorrow for you if you want? I'm good at finding out if someone likes someone else" she winked at me again. I rolled my eyes. "but. Okay. Serious will you? You would be the best sister ever!" She smiled. "Only on one condition" "and it is?" She smirked "you have to ask taco if he likes me" she smiled. "Okay okay! Deal!" We shook on it promising to do it for each other tomorrow. Kacie yawned. "I'm so tired but I'm so comfortable" she groaned. I smiled. "Eh just stay there. I'd rather have the bed to myself anyway" we both laughed. "Okay. Well night nigga. Get some sleep. We might have to throw em in the pool tomorrow" she laughed one more time before I saw her close her eyes.

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