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It doesn't matter that's it's raining. It doesn't matter that absolutely nothing makes sense to me right now. What does matter is the girl standing right in front of me. The pain I've been feeling this past summer fades away as I see the tears on her face mix with the drops falling onto her skin.

"Please just tell answer me this," I say. "Did you feel anything for me?"

She seems taken aback from what I said; shocked.

"I just want to know if the pain was worth it," I say quietly because my voice has been muffled from the rain crashing on the pavement around us.

"You act like I wasn't hurting, Jasper," She murmurs. "You act like I didn't feel shit. News flash! I fucking did, okay?" The genuine pain in her voice hits me harder than I expected.

The thought of her feeling that way never crossed my mind. I've always thought that those that caused pain never felt it. But maybe I was wrong.

"I did have feelings for you. To me, it felt like love. It felt like air being put back into my lungs after life ripped it out. It felt like freedom at the tip of my tongue. I could be free to do whatever I wanted, as long as it was with you. You acted as my sanity, the rock to pull my helium-filled brain back down to earth.

But then I realized who I was. I realized I was me. Melissa motherfucking Yin. You and I can and never will work out. Why? Because, like I said, I'm me. I don't catch feelings. I don't get soppy and lovey dovey, okay? I just don't; that's not me. I would rather leave this shit hole of a town then fall in love with you.

You and I were destined to fail. I was destined to fail you. So yeah, maybe I'm a crappy person, shitty, a bitch, but that's me.

Melissa motherfucking Yin.

Do with that as you will, but please, dear god, leave me the fuck alone."

I do.

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