Chapter Four

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July 28, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
The capital city of Myknos.

Prince Nicolas Alexander Tutton

He was seeing red and it was all because of that wench. He was so angry that he could...Dear God she made him mad. He hated always feeling like everyone saw him as the spare son so he suppressed it but hearing someone say it now especially her. He threw all the plates across the room at the wall and shouted. He punched the wall and slammed his hand on it many times. He rested his head on the wall and did not even look up to see who had entered his room.

"Nicolas Alexander Tutton! How many times have I told you not to break things when you are throwing a tantrum?"

Hearing his sisters' voice calmed him down a little bit. She hated seeing him cranky or even angry and always made it her job to scold him for it. She annoyed him a lot but always managed to make him smile when she asked him to help her play pranks on snooty nobles.

"You've completely destroyed your room this time. I do not know why you enjoy stressing the help." She complained again.

"Thats what they are here for sis." He told her for the hundreth time.

She didn't like having maids do everything for her and she tried to push her ideologies on him.

"They are only here to assist us and not pick up after us like we're children. Although thats more than I can say for you." She said picking his tray and broken pieces of his plate from the floor.

"Leave that for the help." He grumbled, "You'll cut yourself."

"I'm not as delicate as you think brother." She said.

"You're talking about your sword lessons with Hayden again, aren't you?" He asked as he set about arranging his things.

"I was not. But now that you mention it. He says I have gotten better and that we are going to train again tomorrow before sunrise." She told him.

"Your not so subtle outings have become a major topic among the members of court. They are thinking that Prince Hayden is courting you." He teased.

"What?!" She yelled, turning a bright shade of red.

He knew his little sister had a thing for their cousin but wanted no one knowing about it. He felt bad for her because he didn't see Hayden showing any similar feelings. She had turned down so many potential suitors because of her huge crush on him; that's why she was still unmarried at eighteen.

"I could talk to him for you. Man to man." He continued his teasing and she turned even redder.

"Shut up. That's not why I'm here." She said.

"What do you want?" He asked eyeing her suspiciously.

She gave him that weird look she always did when she wanted something she knew he would not want to give her.

"Dont get mad but I told Sirs Yosevic and Timur to release the maid that you had ordered be sent to the dungeons." She said looking at the floor.

"You did what?" He yelled.

"I told you not to get mad." She whined.

"How could I not get mad when you released the bane of my existence? I have tolerated your interference in the past but in this case I won't." He said.

"What did she do to you brother?" She asked.

He thought carefully about how to answer her; if he told her about how affected he was when she told him that she wished it was he who was dead, she would pester him to talk about his feelings forever and if he gave her no answer, she would still pester him.

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