Chapter Forty - One

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Mature content up ahead!
Violence, strong language and sexual abuse.

October 23, 1345.
The outskirts of Rothwell,

Lady Dionea Black

Lady Dionea had always thought herself unfortunate for being born to a poor merchant in the Far Islands. If she hadn't been then perhaps the bastard that had taken her from her home would have treated her with more respect than she had been accorded during the duration of their marriage.

The only highlight of her life had been the daughter their relationship had sired, a daughter he now wanted to kill for standing up to him.

As she sat in her tent hidden in the woods of Rothwell, all she could do was twiddle her thumbs and pray that by some supreme miracle her husband would fail and her daughter would succeed.

She remembered the look of disbelief that had crossed her daughter's face when she had told her that she had not been held captive and hated that she had lied to her but what was she to do when she was but a cowardly woman fearing her husband's wrath more than anything.

As she closed her eyes again to pray for the hundredth time, she felt a sharp pain in her chest and a feeling of dark foreboding filling her.

"No." She whispered, "No. Oh God please keep my daughter safe."

She prayed even harder feeling the darkness overwhelming her growing stronger by the minute.

She was about to say her hundredth line of prayer when a loud commotion sounded outside that had her up on her feet and before she could step out, the flaps on her tent were pulled aside by soldiers dragging her husband in, hand on his side.

She rushed to his side and knelt to look at the wound hiding her disappointment as she saw how shallow it was.

What happened to Odeya? She wondered as she directed the men to undress him.

She cleaned his wound and began to stitch as he sipped on strong ale. He was unusually quiet, a sign that spelled danger but she chose not to address it, fighting the urge to look into the eyes that were sure to be on her.

She finished her stitching and wrapped a bandage around his midriff still avoiding his eyes, something she knew would really spark his ire.

Just as she stood to put away her herbs, he threw his cup to the side and dragged her to himself resting his head on her chest.

"Why don't you look at me?" He asked softly, his grip on her waist tightening almost painfully.

"You have to be careful so the stitches don't come loose." She said pushing away from him and ignoring his question.

His hands came around her waist again and this time he placed a kiss on her exposed collar bone, pushing her hair to the side.

"My Lord..." She whispered as his hands moved to lift her dress.

"Don't move." He commanded pushing things off the table and pushing her forward.

"My Lord please!" She begged as he lifted her dress and moved to undress himself.

"I told you to call me by my name." He growled forcing himself inside her, "Why do you hate me? It's because I failed to make you queen, isn't it?! Haven't I done enough for you?! I even killed that brat of a daughter for you!"


"What did you say?" She asked as tears filled her eyes, not from pain of being forced but the pain at what he had said would actually be true.

"That brat failed to be a daughter of mine the moment she betrayed our cause for a man." He muttered finishing and dressing himself leaving her on the table, "Pour me a drink. We'll ride out tomorrow."

Anger like never before filled her but she knew better than to tackle him head on. Her hands slipped into the folds of her dress producing the small paper holding the powder that would rid her and the world of this menace for good.

She turned to serve him the wine but he stared at her with a pointed look at which she didn't wither.

Soon Dionea, she thought, soon.

"Drink." He said still looking at her.

Her heart beat faster at his command.

Had he seen her poison the wine?

"Let me get a go..."

"No need." He interrupted, "We are married so we can share a cup. Or is there a reason you don't want to drink?"

"No my Lord." She said quickly, placing the cup to her lips and taking a sip.

His hand was on hers in a minute forcing her to take a big gulp after which he smiled.

"Smile wife." He said draining the cup, "Soon we'll rule this kingdom and we'll have all the wine we could drink. We could even make another son or daughter."

She nodded even though she wasn't really listening.

Sweat beaded on her forehead, as the effects of the poison began to kick in, rolling down her neck to the valley between her breasts. She had never wanted to rid herself of a dress so quickly in her life.

"I don't want another son or daughter." She said not knowing where she found the strength to talk despite the fire in her body.

"What did you say?" Her husband asked turning to face her.

"I said I don't want another child!" She yelled, "Especially not with a bastard like you!"

Pain turned her vision white as he slapped her but instead of falling to the floor, she spat on his boots smiling sardonically at him.

"I've always hated you Felfar. From the very moment I had been taken from my father's home and into your home." She sneered as she could feel her end nearing, her deadly smile widening as she saw him sway on his feet, "You took the only thing I've ever loved from me. You took my precious daughter from me all those years and you promised you wouldn't hurt her. You promised me!"

"What did you do?!" He yelled as he coughed up blood, swaying and falling to the floor with a crash.

She had taken care to use the same poison on his wound and with the dose he had drunk in his wine, she was sure he wouldn't escape death so easily this time.

"You didn't think me capable of anything other than bedding and serving your meals so I was the perfect person to end you." She muttered crawling on all fours to meet him, dagger in hand, as he lay on the floor still coughing up blood, "Rot in hell you bastard."

As the dagger crossed his ribs to tear into the soft flesh of his heart, she felt all the hatred she had buried over the years leave her.

She fell to the floor beside the man that had stolen so much from her, smiling as the world slipped away.

Even if she ended in hell, she would happily go knowing she had removed the bastard from the world.

"Forgive me Odeya." Her final whispered words as everything turned black.

And with this I can say A King's Surrender is a wrap.

There's an epilogue coming and you can be rest assured I didn't kill of Odeya.

She's far too sweet.

See you next chappie.

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Ciao ;-)

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