Chapter Nighteen

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Sorry for the blurb before. Here's a new and improved chapter.

Enjoy ;-)

September 30, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Prince Nicolas Alexander Tutton

He woke up from a fitful sleep haunted by dreams of fire and a pair of stone grey eyes cursing him. He should never have let things get so far but if there was anything that came from it, Lord Black still hadn't attacked.

It had been a month since she had escaped and a month since the Tri-Kingdom harvest festival had ended and still there was no sign of disturbance. If anything, it was quiet, too quiet even for the normally busy town of Rothwell.

The castle was no better; the servants moved about sluggishly, like Odeya's escape sapped all the joy from them. Most of the nobles had returned to their various towns and Hayden and the twins had gone back home, leaving him to deal with his problems alone.

Ever since he saw that look on Princess Khasi's face, it dawned on him that the kingdom he had tried so hard to protect had crumbled right before his eyes. The war hadn't come yet but it felt like they had already lost, and he did not like losing.

Investigations concerning Odeya's escape and whereabouts we're still on, reopening the wounds that had formed on his heart. He was sure Alyn had something to do with it. Speaking of Alyn, she had been avoiding him since the execution.

She most definitely hated the fact that he had been too weak and had let things get this far. He pretended not to understand why she ignored him so and promptly looked away when she glared at him.

Growling, he got out of bed and yelled, rather unnecessarily, at his valet, Mikhail, to run him a bath and fetch him breakfast.  The poor lad stumbled as he ran out the room almost in tears.

A new found conscience judged him but his inner demon cared not for the boy's feelings. He turned his back to look out his window and was enjoying the cold air blowing through when a female voice broke his trance.

"Now that was rather unnecessary, wasn't it dear son?" She asked.

He didn't have to turn to know that it was his mother, Queen Navara. He silently cursed himself and turned to face her.

"Mother what is it? I don't have time for your lectures this morning. I have a meeting with the..."

"I know all about the meetings you have to attend." She interrupted,  "Or did you forget that I'm Queen?"

"I did not forget mother.  Now what is it?" He growled out as she walked around his room with a sour expression on her face.

He was sure he looked a mess as he hadn't bothered to comb his hair or trim his beard for about a week now. He turned away from her and looked out the window, trying to ignore the disappointment he could feel oozing from her.

"The kingdom is worried about you. Your sister most especially." He scoffed at that, interrupting her and she just sent him a glare, "Ever since that maid left, you returned to your unhealthy lifestyle.  Honestly I worry for you son."

"Mother you're being ridiculous. What are you implying?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm not implying anything Nicolas." She said sitting in his now clear sofa, "I'm not blind. Even when you claimed she was an assassin, I could see how happy she made you. Although I wouldn't approve of you marrying anyone less than a noble, I'd be more than happy to let you marry her as long as I'd get to see you happy."

Now he scoffed loudly, "Mother I just tried to hang her for a murder she probably did or didn't commit. She would hate me. Why am I even discussing this with you?"

"Because you know I'm right." She said coming to place a hand on his back, "I see it in your eyes Nico. You are punishing yourself for what you did. That girl loves you and there's no doubting that she'll forgive you."

"And what would you have me do mother?!" He yelled pulling away from her, "She's gone now! It's too late."

"I might have an idea of her whereabouts." 

He looked at his mother with a hint of surprise.

"What?  I have my sources." She defended, "Don't look at me like that, I can't let my only son die of a heartbreak."

He gave her a tight hug that startled her then smiled for the first time in a while.

"I love you mother."

"I know. Now clean up and go get your woman."

"Oh really? And where would that be, Your Majesty?" Khasi said coming out from behind the changing screen.

"Khasi? What are you doing here?" Nicolas asked pushing his mother behind him.

"Why Nicolas I thought you'd be happy to see me. After all we are friends, are we not?"

She brought out a dagger and twirled it in her hand smiling at him all the while. She threw it and it sunk into the door. He made a dash for one of his swords but a dart piercing his thigh stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Nico." She scolded like he were a recalcitrant child, "Now sleep and it will be over quickly. Wait, who am I kidding?  The fun's only beginning. "

With that she laughed and he could only watch as the poison started spreading throughout his system.

"Don't worry Queen Navara. Your son isn't dying.  Although that's more than I can say for you."

He could only watch as the knife slit her throat. He tried to move his arms or scream but his body refused to obey. Pain like no other flooded his heart as he watched his mother choke on her life's blood.  He suddenly wished the poison could numb the pain in his heart.

Darkness started to set in and he gladly welcomed its sweet reprive.


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