Chapter Forty - Two

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October 23, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Princess Alyn Midika Tutton

War was bloody stressful business especially when you spent the time cowering behind the castle walls with a group of snivelling women and babies.

Alyn supposed she should be more thankful seeing that she didn't have to be the one bleeding to death on the battlefield but one couldn't help but feel a spark of envy when someone of your sex was at the forefront of the battle.

She had always known Odeya was different from the moment she had seen her stand up to her brother and in some selfish way to assert that she was something, she had taken her under her wing as her Hand.

Seeing how Odeya had amassed an army to save a kingdom she didn't have any obligation to had stung her in ways when she should have felt grateful.

Shouts and harried footsteps outside the doors of the Great Hall they had camped caused the other women to slink back in fear and her to sit up.

What was going on out there?

Ignoring all orders to stay with the other women, Alyn made for the door of The Great Hall where they had camped them.

She was met with the sight of a severely bleeding Odeya being carried in by some soldiers and a cold chill crawled up her spine as she couldn't help but feel some guilt.

"Princess you shouldn't be here!" Mother Superior said attempting to push her out of the sanatorium.

"I can he...." Her protest was interrupted when a loud yell echoed in the hallway.

"Oh no." Mother Superior complained, "He shouldn't be here."


Alyn turned to see her brother being carried by two mountainous soldiers into the chambers nearly leaping out of his pallet when he sighted Odeya.

"Your Highness I specifically said...."

"What happened to her?" He interrupted frantically as he was finally let down beside Odeya, "Is all this her blood? Is she dead?"

Alyn's heart constricted in her chest as she realised the pain oozing from  her brother was one that came from truly loving someone.

"She will be once you let me treat her." Mother Superior scolded, giving orders to the soldiers to take him out of the room.

"I should be with her. I should be here. This is all my fault." He cried still holding Odeya's hand.

"Princess Alyn you have to get him out of here so I can treat her. She could die if I don't stop the blood flow soon."

Nodding quietly, she went to her brother and tried to still him. When he protested, she couldn't help the acidic words that came out of her.

"Stop snivelling brother. Odeya is still here. She's still alive but she won't be for much longer if you keep weeping over her like this." She snapped, "You are the King now that Father is gone and you should act like it."

He stilled with her words and finally quietened, allowing himself to be returned to its chambers, letting the women do their work.

Alyn didn't have the stomach for blood so she stepped outside the large room, returning to her former prison silently praying the woman recovered.

She didn't think her brother could handle another death on his conscience especially not the death of a woman he seemed to love so much.

Hours passed rather slowly when you have nothing to do but wring your hands and sift through memories trying to maintain a strong facade for the other people in her cell.

"Hey lady." A small voice said and she turned to see a little girl of about six summers pulling at her dress, "Are you a princess? Me mum says you're a princess but you ain't wearing no crown?"

She was a pretty thing with long brown hair and green eyes so bright they reminded her of a certain green eyed man she didn't want to think of currently.

"Yes little one. I am a princess." She smiled waving the girls worried mother away, "Although not a very good one since I forgot to wear my crown."

Her little guest giggled and smiled up at her.

"What's it like being a princess?" She asked innocently.

She pretended to think, placing a hand under her chin.

"Well I should say, it's not very fun." She answered honestly.

"Oh?" The little girl muttered frowning. "Don't you get to live in a big castle and wear pretty dresses?"

"Well yes..."

"And don't you get to kiss a prince at a ball?"

"It isn't really proper but..."

"Then it's fun." She said matter of factly with a pout.

Alyn laughed, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.

"Indeed it is."

The little girl chattered on, oblivious to the war  she had set raging in Alyn's heart.

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