Chapter Forty - Three

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October 30, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

Odeya groaned as pain flooded her as soon as she regained consciousness. She had been moving in and out of delightful dreams that were more memories pulled from the far reaches of her soul.

Her favourite had been the one where she had her head in her mother's lap, her nimble fingers weaving her hair into loose braids as she sang a song of her people. Just another thing her father had stopped when he felt her mother was babying her.

Her eyelids felt heavy but she pushed past the ache of disuse and tried opening her eyes, a small slit at first then wider when she noticed the dim lighting in the familiar room.

She recognized the navy linen canopy of her bedroom as her vision cleared.

A male groan tore her gaze from the ceiling and she sat up suddenly, biting a wince as the wound in her side stung.

She placed a hand on her side as she righted herself, her eyes narrowing on the man dozing in the chair beside her bed. His neck was bent in an angle that looked uncomfortable.

Even with the new beard he was sporting and the hollowness of his face, she couldn't help the flame that started in her belly.

He was still the most beautiful man she'd ever laid her eyes on.

"Shouldn't you be watching me, your highness?" She asked in a mocking tone startling the him.

He bolted up in his seat, looking around in a frightened haze before his eyes rested on her. Confusion turned to surprise and glee as he launched himself at her, grasping her in a hug that winded her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He apologized, releasing his hold on her slightly. "You're awake."

He laughed a disbelieving laugh, running a hand down the back of her head.

Her heart swelled at the warmth as she wrapped her free hand around him, breathing him in.

"You were asleep for so long I feared..." He said eyes roaming her face as if he still couldn't believe it.

"Were you worried about me, Your Highness?" She smiled crookedly at him even though she was touched by his warmth.

"I told you never to call me that again." He replied in a warning tone.

She gave a soft laugh and touched the side of his face making him lose his scowl. His eyes burned with an intensity that stoked the flames of desire inside her.

She knew she must look a fright but when he looked at her with so much hunger in his gaze,  he made her feel she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Do you believe me now?" She asked breaking the pregnant silence with words that needed to be said if they were to move forward. "I would never do anything to hurt you, my love."

"I do. I never should have doubted you." He said leaning forward.

Shame and many other expressions swam in his eyes and she could not help herself any longer.

"Kiss me!" She begged, grabbing his face between her hands.

"With pleasure my Lady." He replied stealing her lips in a kiss that lit her whole body on fire.

He kissed her like a man starved, taking care not to push further and her heart swelled at his thoughtfulness.

"Give the girl some space, cousin. She just woke up." Hayden's laugh filled the room.

Nicholas groaned kissing her forehead before leaning his against hers.

"One day, I'm going to kill him." He whispered, earning a giggle from her.

"I heard that!" He complained although his eyes held only warmth. "It's good to see you again, soldier."

Pride swelled inside of her.

"And you too, my Prince." She nodded. "Where's princess Alyn?"

A sad look flitted over his face but he quickly replaced it with a smile.

"She's in her chambers."

"Is she alright?" Odeya asked worried something had happened to her.

"Yes." He answered. "I'll go let her know you're awake."

He shut the door before she could ask anymore questions and she shared a look with Nicolas who only shrugged.

"I should send for Mother superior to check on you." He announced, struggling to return to his chair.

Khasi had really damaged his legs and although she wanted to ask how bad it was, she knew it would only hurt his ego.

He rang the bell she hadn't noticed and a small maid she didn't recognize came in.

"Your Highness?" She curtsied.

"Get me Mother Superior."

She curtsied again, scurrying out of the room.

He rubbed his leg, wincing at the pain.

"How bad is it?" She asked, unable to hold it in any longer.

He looked up at her, startled.

"Don't lie to me." She warned noticing the emotions warring on his face.

He sighed, running a hand down his face.

"I was lucky to not lose my legs."

She could not hide the surprised expression on her face.


"I'm better now."

"I just can't help but worry." She frowned. "If I had..."

"If it's anyone's fault, it's mine."


"You warned me, Odeya." He growled. "But I couldn't see past my pride."

"I did warn you about my father. I didn't think..."

"No one could have known."

We sighed.

"What happened after I..?" She asked wanting to know if perhaps she had done something worthwhile.

"Hayden and his horde managed to turn the tide and had your father's men retreating." He started. "He sent his men to follow them, wanting no survivors and they traced them to their camp where..."

He didn't meet my eyes. A tell tale sign that something serious had happened.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Odeya. We were too late."

"What happened?" She asked anxiously now.

"Your mother." He announced.

Odeya paled as realization struck her. She'd sent her mother into the lion's den in case she'd failed to finish him off herself and now she had paid the price.

A strangled sob burst out of her as she realised that she'd now lost everything that had mattered to her.

What was she going to fight for now?

Suuuuuuper late update but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I shed a few years writing it and I hope you did too.

Another chapter is coming up soon so stay tuned.


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