Chapter Thirty-Two

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20 October, 1345.
The Walled City of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

Odeya returned Nicolas' kisses with the same ferocity with which he kissed her, his soft lips igniting little fires within her body.

She hadn't realized how much she needed this,
needed him; his touch, his scent, his lips, his body, all the elements that made up this fine male specimen she currently had underneath her.

His hand caressed her hips and slid upward to cup one of her breasts causing her to arch her back on top of him, her too tight dress digging painfully into her ribs.

Reaching back to undo the ties that kept her captive in the ridiculous dress, she sank deeper onto Nicolas, her lady parts sheathing his bulge.

He groaned and moved his hips causing tingles of electricity to run through her and she jerked on top of him.

Hurriedly undoing the last clasp, she watched as his pupils darkened as the dress slid off her shoulders baring her breasts to him, the sight forever etched into her memory.

She leaned downward to kiss him but gasped as she felt his palm run up the bare flesh of her thigh to cup her buttocks.

He spun them around in a flurry and placed her firmly on her back immediately capturing her lips in a kiss.

Clothes were ripped off eagerly and as he poised himself to enter her, she closed her eyes wishing they could be trapped in that moment forever.

"Odeya." She heard him say.

"Nicolas don't stop." She whispered.

"Odeya." He said more urgently shaking her.

She opened her eyes to question him but was met with a pair of green eyes staring at her with mirth and confusion.

Green eyes?

She sat up suddenly realizing where she was and noting the decrepit state of the hut she and Tamhas currently shared, she groaned and threw the covers over her head to hide her embarrassment.

"That must have been quite a dream." Tamhas teased, a crooked smile on his lips.

"Shut up." She groaned from under her blanket, embarrassment seeping out.

"Oh Nicolas don't stop." He mocked.

"Shut up!" She yelled, blindly tossing the hardest object she could feel on the table beside her bed at his head.

She heard a clang and a pained cry and snickered at her true shot.

"Ow!!" He complained, "Is that anyway to treat your beloved, Mary?" He scolded using the fake names they had used to rent the hut.

Contrary to their previously married status at Domnerty, they were now an eloping couple from their farming village of Ayrshire.

She stuck her tongue out at him and proceeded to get ready for the day, quickly donning a robe over her light chemise. Her cheeks burned at the thought of Tamhas seeing her so unclad but with the uncomfortable silence that hung in the air after she had covered up, she knew she wasn't the only one affected.

He cleared his thought and sent her a mocking smile.

"I am hurt you know." He said with a pout, "My newly wedded wife is moaning another man's name in her sleep. I should throw you out for cheating on your husband."

"Pretend husband." She reminded pushing past him to walk into the kitchen of their small house.

"Your husband none the less." He said with all humor out of his voice.

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