Chapter Twenty-Four

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I decided to add his own POV since he is also a major character aaanndd...I love reading the POV of the villains.

It just adds do I put it okay I got it.


October 10, 1345
The Western mountains,
Border between Imras and Myknos.

Lord Felfar Black

He stared at the messenger, from Domnerty, quivering in his boots as he relays the message he was sent to deliver. One could tell he didn't come bearing good news from the way he stuttered.

"The...young Lady Black and the Mistress...eeeeescaped...My Lord. Captain Roman sends his regrets." The young man said, his voice a little over a whisper.

Whether it was his irritation at the lads fear or his anger at his incompetent soldiers, he didn't know but all he could tell was that a great conflagration ignited in his chest and in seconds, it had consumed his whole body.

With blind rage, he threw the wine cup he had been holding, spilling wine all over the cave floor. The lad whined like a wounded horse and that was when Lord Felfar knew he had had it.

He was sick of living in caves and sleeping in the forest like some wild animal while the royals dined and slept in comfort.

His hatred for them burned deeper in his heart and his demon looked for someone to transfer this pent up aggression to.

Just then, he saw the lad still shaking and it brought a smile to his face. Of course, punishing the very person who put him in this mood was justifiable.

He took a deep breath and donned a smile he hoped looked sympathetic. The boy noticed him edging closer and took a step back.

'Smart lad. It's a shame I'd have to kill you.' He thought.

"What's your name boy?" He asked edging closer to the boy and as if it knew the plans in his head, the point of his dagger pressed into his thigh.

"Mmmiiikael My Lord." He stuttered.

"Mikael you remind me of myself when I was younger. About your age in fact."

The lad looked up at him in amazement and he could see the trust and innocence in the icy blue depths.


"I do?"

"You do." He said with a nod, "In fact I was about your age when I took a mans life for the first time. You're about 15, 16..."

"14." The lad corrected, a false sense of pride had entered him as he said that.

"You almost had me fooled. You're big for your age!" He exclaimed in false delight, enjoying the emotions flicking across the boys face.

"My mum says so." He said, puffing out his chest.

Now they were standing face to face and the boy no longer ran from him.

He put his hand around the boy's shoulder and led him to the southern edge of the cave. Stone gray peaks, that made up the Western mountains, rose in the distance, as far as the eyes could see. They were dotted with Luca lilies that carpetted the cliff faces and stretched on for miles, releasing their repugnant stench into the air that others found delightful.

God how he wished he could go back to feeling such menial sentiments. When last had he cared for the beauty of a flower or the life of an insect.

The scene would have been beautiful if he had a love for aesthetics. Besides his intention for showing the boy the view was anything but pure. If only the lad knew what awaited him.

He looked downwards and the base of the mountain, about a hundred feet away, leered at him, daring him to come closer. His head started to spin so he stared ahead instead.

Cold air, it's bite sharp announcing the possibility of an early winter, blew the heady scent of the flowers into the cave and he could feel the boy shivering. Who could blame him?

The lad was a scrawny thing that bordered on underfed and malnourished and he was dressed in the lightest of garments. Quite possibly the only pair he had. His dirty blonde locks blew about his face in an unruly mess and he had a smile on his face despite the cold as he took in the beauty around him.

A tightness began in his chest,a feeling he was unaccustomed to. Could it be regret? No. He had killed that year's ago; when his vendetta had newly begun. When his hands had become freshly stained with the blood of innocent women and children.

He looked at the lad one more time and the urge to let him go was as definite as his heartbeat.

"You know I have a need for men like you in my army." He said, throwing whatever sentiment had crawled into his being.

"You do?" The lad asked in disbelief, "I will do my best to serve you My Lord."

"You misunderstand me." He said with a sinister smile, the boy could feel the change in the atmosphere and he looked ready to take flight, "I have a need for men like you. Not you"

And with those words, he kicked the boy out of the cave, his screams going on for a few second before a dull thud resounded.

He looked over at the small blob in the distance and he pouted. Another day, another useless death.

He had to proceed with his plans no matter what that pompous Princess said. If she thinks she can get his kingdom from him then she's in for a big surprise.

Death was coming to all royals and Lord Felfar Black would be the harbinger.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

So thanks again for sticking with me thus far.

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