Chapter Twenty

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October 1, 1345.
Typim's Valley,
Outskirts of Lliw,

Princess Alyn Midika Tutton

Alyn sat on the ash covered floor of Typim's valley not caring that she was staining her expensive woollen cloak. She stared blankly at the knights moving all around her; they were still rattled because of the events that just transpired at Stormhold.

As she remembered nearly dying, she was instantly transported back to Stormhold. The sounds of people screaming as they either were stabbed or burnt to death. Men and women alike scrambled past, running for their lives. She remembered being dragged by guards dressed in black and gold armor bearing the insignia of Shiv'ra. If she had any doubts of Khasi's words at the prison, they were finally erased as she saw the men.

They barged into her room and dragged her to the throne room, stabbing innocent servants and guards as they shuffled past. Sounds of battle could be heard as the Knights tried to protect the once peaceful town of Rothwell. No one had expected the attack and they were sure as hell not ready for it. Some guards spotted her being dragged and attempted to rescue their princess but were cut down by the more experienced or rather blood thirsty soldiers.

They threw her on the floor the second they entered the throne room and she saw Princess Khasi lounging lazily on the silver throne that once belonged to her father. She was contentedly slicing pieces of an apple and popping them loudly in her mouth. Not a second later, her mother was dragged feet first into the throne room and only when she saw the gash on her neck did she finally scream.

Pain racked her body as she wept. Her mother's beautiful green eyes had a distant empty look that could only be associated with the dead. Her once beautiful linen dress now lay stained with her blood.

Alyn looked up at Khasi and a guttural sound, like that of an angry beast that no one would expect from such a pretty face, broke forth from her lips.

"How could you Khasi?!" She yelled, "I'll kill you! If it's the last thing I do!"

With that said, she dragged a sword from the scabbard of a guard behind her and made for Khasi. The unfamiliar curved blade hung heavy on her small hands but she didn't care. Why should she? If she was going to die, it might as well be on her feet. The arrogant princess hadn't even bothered to move an inch, not even as the blade swung towards her head.

Alyn didn't see the blade as it made a move to block her strike but the strength at which the wielder blocked hers sent a jarring pain up her hand and she yelped.

"Look little princess. Why don't you put the sword down before you hurt yourself?" Khasi cooed at her like she was a naughty child, "Sword play is not your thing. Why don't you knit me a sweater or rather knit your mother one."

When she saw the look on Alyn's face she laughed, "Too soon? Sorry. My manners are a little rusty these days."

It was the opening of the large oak doors of the throne room that diverted her attention. Her father, King Gregory was dragged in by some more guards with Nicolas in tow.

Nicolas was unconscious and as she prepared for another scream, she saw his chest rise and fall. She let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding. It seemed that the death of his wife was news to her father because when his eyes landed on her, he let out a yell that threatened the stained glass windows of the throne room.

"My queen! Nooo!" He cried, cradling her lifeless body. It was indeed a pitiful site to behold.

Alyn had never seen her father display his emotions so openly. Not even when Henrik died. But now he bawled his eyes out, not caring that he wasn't alone. Tears flooded her vision but she blinked them off.

'Now's not the time to cry.' She told herself.

The sword slipped slightly from her hand and it cut Khasi's face just slightly above her eyebrow. It seemed Khasi was even more shocked than her because she let out a scream that shook the tapestries on the wall.

"You'll pay for that you stupid bitch. Now as for you," She said slicing the throat of the guard that was supposed to have been holding the sword.

As the blood splashed on her face and dress, nausea threw her off. The sword clattered out of her hands as she rushed to empty the contents of her stomach.

"You see little Princess. You don't have the stomach for war." Khasi said, stalking dangerously towards her, "But unlike you, I do."

Alyn didn't see the sword coming down towards her neck but she felt it and as if by some Divine Power, an arrow moved the sword out of the way. They both looked in surprise at the shooter and a small league of Knights and soldiers had filled the room.

Chaos broke out from all ends as Khasi fought, not caring that she was vastly outnumbered. Alyn dodged swords and spears as the fight went on, but a falling soldier knocked her to the ground with him. She picked up his sword and remembered all the lessons Hayden had given her.

Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered him but she pushed all thoughts of the magical nights they had spent together out of her mind. Now was not the time. As she engaged one soldier, a group of Knights marched up and dragged her off.

"No! I need to do this! Let me go at once!" She yelled, trying to break out of their hold.

"My Princess we have to get you to safety. It would do nobody any good if you're dead." One of the Knights, she later learned was named Higuain, scolded.

She hung her head in shame and then spotted Nicolas in one corner of the room and she struggled all the more. Just then, she saw a sword run her father through and she screamed. Heads turned in their direction and the soldiers from Shiv'ra fought to get her from the Knights but the others in the room held them back, giving them time to escape.

She remained silent the whole time they had dragged her through the back entrance of the Kitchens to the back door of the castle leading to the small river that separated the castle from the forest. They pushed her into the boat waiting to take them across the river.

The sounds of approaching men made them hasten their movements. When they had moved a good distance from the river bank, the door burst open. Soldiers and archers trooped from the door and fear gripped her as she watched them notch arrows and take aim. Higuain pushed her to the floor of the boat and covered her own petite body with his much larger one.

Arrows rained all around them and the boat rocked rather dangerously as the Knights attempted to protect their friend from the volley of arrows with their shields. She worried for Higuain's safety. He grunted as an arrow finally found its mark, embedding itself rather painfully.

They finally crossed the river and got out of the range of arrows and found horses already saddled for them and some more fugitives, if they could call themselves that. They wasted no time mounting the horses and they rode deeper into the forest. By nightfall, they had gotten to Typim's valley and once they had deemed it safe to rest, Higuain's wounds were finally tended to.

The memory hung over her like a thick velvet drape especially when the guilt for abandoning her brother dropped in her heart. She looked at the men that had nearly died saving her and tears fell from her eyes. She knew she was weak and that there was nothing she could do but...

"Oh!" She said loudly earning confused stares from the men around her.

She suddenly remembered Odeya's plan and that brought a smile to her face. She was ready to prove that narcissistic bitch wrong and fight for her kingdom. Even if it was the last thing she did.

"Are you alright Princess?" They asked worriedly, "Are you hurt?"

"No." She said with a smile, "I'm perfectly fine."  

Thank you guys so so much. I mean 1.3k readers? Gosh I'm excited.

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