Chapter Seventeen

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Music tip: 1. Halsey - Hurricane, Gasoline.

August 17, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

The arrow landed with a thud as it sank into the wood behind her. The rope around her throat got loose and she had to struggle to not hit her head as she fell through the hole in the stage.

Her eyes and throat burned but she couldn't rest, not while the angry crowd still surrounded her.  She shuffled and passed her bound arms under her till it came in front of her. The pain from choking combined with the one from stretching her shoulder joint turned her vision white but she fought it and tried to loosen the rope around her feet.

Standing quickly, with her arms still bound, Odeya ran through the frenzied crowd.  Arrows were still flying in all directions to scare the people and confuse the guards who were trying desperately to protect their King. Hayden's men were good, not sticking in one position after shooting so that they could not be traced. There was no sequence to their attack and that made it even more frustrating for the Royal guards and knights scrambling about.

She found an arrow stuck in a wooden barrel and she used it to cut the ties that bound her hand but not without drawing some blood.

Hayden and Alyn told her to meet them at the stables and she was able to blend in with the frenzied crowd, sparing no glance behind her, as she ran to their rendezvous point.

She met Zara already saddled and loaded with supplies. Alyn was really a novice in the arts of stealth but she was grateful for the woman's generosity.

She quickly changed into her riding garb in one of the stalls and mounted her horse. The hairpin she swiped came in useful as she used it to hold some of her hair from her face.

"Make sure he gets this Alyn." She whispered, "I need him to read it. Please."

The smaller woman's eyes flashed with understanding and a smile was the farewell she got. No crying or dramatic wails. Hayden was good for her.

She sent them a firm nod and just as she was about to ride off Nicolas came into view with some of the Royal guards in tow.

"Dismount immediately Odeya and face the King's justice for the murder of Lord Igneo Rumbart of Elden." He stated coldly.

She felt disappointed at the lack of emotions in his blue eyes but stole one long last kiss just to see the look of surprise on his face. After all, that counted as an emotion.

The guards seemed to sense the tension in the air between the two of them and they shifted in their pastel colored armor as they didn't know whether to interrupt or leave them be.

She had thought they looked beautiful in their varying colors before the whole tirade of her capture but now they just looked ridiculous. Rearing her horse back, she made Zara jump over their heads.

She spared a glance behind her and her breath hitched at the intensity of the look Nicolas gave her. One thing she was sure of was that he wouldn't hurt her and she had to force her eyes away as she left the castles walls. Traders and goods scattered as she rushed out of the town and through the gates.

The bridge was being raised to trap her and she turned once more to see Princess Khasi giving orders to the guards in the towers. She spurred Zara onward and with one powerful push of her horses powerful legs, they leapt into the air.

For a moment, the world stilled and there was only silence. Fear and excitement took their turns flowing in her blood stream. Zara landed sharply and jolted her back into reality and they crossed the second gate house leaving Rothwell and her new family behind. Southward she headed, southward where her only hope of finding help lay.

2. Bebe Rexha ft Ty Dollars $ign - Bad bitch

Princess Khasi Malik

"What should we do now, Your Highness?" The idiotic guard asked.

She watched the lean figure of Odeya on her horse cross the gates and gradually fade into a little black dot on the road before turning to him with a smile.

"Nothing." She said, resisting the urge to cackle, "Absolutely nothing."

A new plan formed in her head and that would be the most brilliant of all her schemes.

'Father would be so proud.' She thought, 'Stand fast Myknos. Death is coming to you.'

She was sure anyone watching her would think she had gone mad but she didn't care. She was indeed mad. Mad enough to massacre an entire kingdom to curb an itch. Her name would go down in the history books.

Odeya might think she has saved the Myknosians but what she doesn't know is that she has only delayed the inevitable.

So this is my shortest chapter yet. I hope it wasn't a bore. The songs might add the extra effect I was trying to create.

Either way, if you've come this far then I'd say I did good. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much.

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Thanks again.

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