When Your On Your Period - CAST

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- know what to do because his momma aint raise no bitch

- cuddles and anime and junk food

- buys you whatever you need, basically kisses your ass for a week

- has your period tracked


- doesn't think of it as a big deal

- is your bitch for a week

- makes you food, buys you chocolate, buys you tampons/pads, pretty much kisses your ass like Jaeden because he doesn't want you to get mad at him

- has an idea when your period starts so he can prepare


- makes jokes because he wants you to be happy

- "when the red river flows, take the dirt road home" "jACK"

- kinda confused about it but understands you get mad easily and sad easily

- and you're bleeding out of your... you know


- c o n f u s e d

- Bill Denbrough x3

- tries to comfort you but doesn't know how

- just buys you chocolate after Sophia telling him to


- somehow understands?

- again, his momma aint raise no bitch

- buys you everything you need and is like 4x more sweeter if that's possible

- wonders how you live like this


- is screaming in his room

- ohgodohgodohgod

- doesn't know what to do

- just throws chocolate at you

- thinks you are possessed but still loves you


- UnDeRsTaNdS

- snuggles you and does whatever you ask her to

- eventually your periods sync up and you just snuggle in bed for a week

- lots of sweets and tea

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