How You Guys Dance - LOSERS

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Im sO ORiGinAL oMg (modernized? idk anymore)


- Bill doesn't actually dance a lot, he thinks he's bad at it

- But he will when you're alone with him in his basement listening to music and he's actually decent he just doesn't believe in himself

- He likes slow dancing the best cause he's a little romantic (awww)

- he will hum to the songs usually

- He does step on ur feet a lot tho (bruH)

* Bonus : His favourite song to dance to: Jay & The Americans - Come A Little Bit Closer


- Bro no

- I'm so sorry for what I'm boutta do to this mans

- fucking whipping and doing stupid meme dances

- Im gonna kill him

- its not even you dancing usually its just him fucking fortnite dancing or something stupid and making Eddie and you uncomfortable

- Sometimes when he isn't having chaotic Aries energy he will slow dance with you alone

* Bonus : His favourite song to dance to: Khahoot music or rarely it will be Lifehouse - You and Me


- He doesn't really dance sadly

- When he does it's usually like slightly moving his head or like moving his body to the beat

- he will dance when it's like obligatory like a slow dance or a wedding or when he's forced to

- he just thinks he can't dance and never learned how to so

- you try to teach him but he's cool with just mildly dancing

*Bonus: his favourite song to dance to: If he had to pick one, it would be Footloose by Kenny Loggins or I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston


- He dance

- he a dancing boy (didn't expect it to be him did you fuckers)

- He dances really awkwardly because he's tall and lanky but he loves to dance

- He will dance around the house, the school, the streets, in public, anywhere really

- even if there's no music playing he will dance to the music in his head

- Stan be crazy

*Bonus: His favourite song to dance to: There's too many but Don't Stop Believin' by Journey he does wild too and will even dramatically lip sync (just imagine Stan in a lip sync battle to this song... yeah that's him)


- oh man

- Stan x3

- he loves dancing SO much he will do it anytime anywhere

- At a wedding, in a restaurant, at a family reunion, while someone's getting stabbed he dance

- He's good at it tho, he can fuck it up hard

- good dancer bro 10/10

*Bonus: His favorite song to dance to: Anything, but Good Old-fashioned Love by Queen can fuck him up any day with you


- he doesn't dance like Eddie

- His reasoning is he's too insecure which you understand duh

- but like :(( he will slow dance with you at dances and stuff like that

- but other than that he will enjoy himself and enjoy the music but that's it he a happy boi either way

* Bonus: His favourite song to dance to: Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran can always fuck him UP bro he loves Ed Sheeran


- She does dance sometimes

- she can get the fuck up to rock music tho

- she loves like mosh pits, jumping, and head banging that's her dancing

- loves like dancing at concerts and to rock music when it comes on she's a head swinger

- bruh im so tired tho and I need more words to make myself happy but how are yall doin how was ur day tell me I love interacting with u guys

* Bonus: Her favourite song to dance to: You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC duh


Bruh. That is all.

~ Myia

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