Jack Grazer Imagine - Y/N

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This is the Y/N version, have fun kids

Today already felt like an amazing day, Y/N thought to herself as she got ready for school, she just felt it, smiling while brushing her hair. Suddenly her phone buzzed, and she looked at it and instantly got even happier. It was Jack, her crush. They talked almost every single day, Facetimed every time he was away from home, and hung out whenever they could. She looked at the message he sent her almost every morning:

Jack: "Good morning, hope you had a good sleep and have a great day at school, message me when you can, I have something to ask you."

Y/N's heart was doing flips in her chest and her stomach turned. What is he gonna ask me? She was so nervous. She didn't even know if it was good or bad.

Y/N: "Hey! Good morning! What's up?|

She sighed and put her phone in her back pocket, leaving for school.

Halfway through her 3rd class, he finally replied after what felt like ages. Y/N almost screamed when she saw the message.

Jack: "Well, I was just wondering, If maybe, you wanted to go to that fair that's happening tonight. Like, as a date, maybe?"

She nearly had a damn heart attack. She also forgot there was a fair, but that didn't matter right now. Her crush asked her on a date. She texted back immediately.

Y/N: "For sure! It's a date :)" She smiled and closed her phone, almost ready to burst out in happiness. Nothing could ruin this.

---- Afterschool ----

Y/N got ready, curling her Y/H/C hair and putting on a bit of makeup, and a nice jean jacket with some ripped black jeans and a black flowy shirt.  She smiled at herself in the mirror and was on her way to meet up with Jack at the fair.

They meet up and she looks at Jack, he looked great, he had a plain black shirt on with orange camo cargo pants and some black vans, and his messy brown hair. He was cute. He blushed as soon as he saw Y/N.

"Y-you look great, Y/N." He says and smiles at her, and she blushes back.

"Thanks, you too." She says and he grabs her hand, holding it. She can feel her heart going crazy in her chest right now.

"Let's go on some rides first, they've got some crazy ones, like the one that goes up in the air and spins you around, and the rollercoaster that shit looks crazy!" He says and they walk together, hand in hand.


After like literally all of the rides, even the kids ones, and getting a little stomach sick, Jack turns to Y/N.

"Come on, let's go play some games now, I'm bored of the rides, and I know you love those." He says smiling and pulls Y/N with him.

They play a few games like popping the balloons, throwing the ball into the bin, and lots of other ones, Jack won her lots of plushies and cool shit, which was awesome, and even a kind of big teddy bear, more medium sized, because Y/N didn't want to have to lug around a giant ass bear the entire time. She was having a blast, and especially because it was with Jack. She never stopped smiling once.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel, the fair is almost over now, it's like 9pm." Y/N says and Jack smiles at her.

"I mean, it's not fast, but I'm sure I can manage, for you." He says and grabs her hand again, leading her to the Ferris wheel. It was huge, it looked like it almost touched the sky. They finally get on, and wait for the ride to start up as they let people on below.

"So, have you been having fun yet?" Jack asks her and she looks over at him like he's got two heads.

"Jack, this is the best night I've had in ages. It has been amazing." She says and looks down at the lights and the people. It was beautiful.

"Well, I'm glad we feel the same way." He says and wraps his arm around Y/N as the ride starts. She leans into him, his aroma was amazing. It smelt like wood, a cedar type smell. She looked up at the sky, the stars gleaming in the sky, it was so beautiful.

"The sky..." She says and Jack looks up, her not realizing he was staring at her. "it's so beautiful."

"I think I know something else that is more beautiful." Jack says looking at her and she smiles, looking down and blushing as the ride goes back down, continuing it's circle. He cups her face, and her heart is almost bursting out of her chest at this point. The only light they had in the night was lit up by the neon fair lights that seemed to be brighter now even though they were going back up, he smiles slightly and leans in, and so does she, their lips connecting. She feels these fireworks everyone talked about constantly in her stomach. It felt like a high, she didn't wanna let go. She was so happy to know he felt the same way finally for sure. After all this time liking him, it really felt like amazing payoff. They pulled away and blushed like crazy. They laughed for a minute and kissed again. It just felt so right to kiss him, and he felt the same about her.

They get off the Ferris wheel, hand in hand, smiling. Unfortunately, the fair was closing so they had to leave. Waiting in the parking lot, sitting on the sidewalk, Jack turns to Y/N.

"Y/N?" He says and she looks over with wide eyes.

"Yeah Jack?" He says pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Did, you maybe, wanna do this again? Obviously somewhere different like to the skate park or to get food or somethi-" Y/N kisses his cheek and he blushes.

"I'd love that." She sees her ride pull into the parking lot, and stands up. "I'll see you then." She starts walking to the car, when suddenly Jack stands up and runs to her.

"Wait! Y/N!" Jack says and Y/N turns around, and he grabs her face and kisses her again, once again feeling that spark and those fireworks. He pulls away still holding her face. "Forgot to say goodbye." He smiles blushing in the dark night, only lit up by the neon fair lights. He lets go, and she smiles faintly.

"Bye." Y/N says and walks away, getting into her car, still smiling and holding her bear from earlier, thinking about Jack.


Ya boiii that was honestly easier than I thought LMAO

~ Myia

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