Drunk Texts - CAST

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Aged up again duh I'm not tryina catch no mf lawsuits

Also like the last one this will be like when they are drunk/drunk texts I just don't want a Fall Out Boy song looking title


- He will like be trying his hardest to go over

- "Bbbyyyy let me come over after I'm done here with the boyz"

- You say no for the reason you don't want him getting in a car with someone who is potentially drunk too cause he clearly wouldn't fucking know

- You argue a bit till u call and he agrees for sure to stay and you tell Ben to make sure he stays

- Dummy smh hes all lovey needless to say when hes drunk texting

- Favourite drink: Gin + Tonic bbyyyy


- He's a cool drunk

- He's like that cool uncle that will let you try his drink and even get one for you

- He likes to call when he's drunk you know just to say random things like 'we need more toilet paper at home btw" or like start ranting about a spec of dust on the floor

- Calls for hours and just ignores you half the time cause he forgets he's on the phone

- its kinda funny but can be annoying smh

- His favourite drink: Rum and Conk


- Oh fuck

- O H N O

- you cant even fucking understand what he types out as hard as you try

- looks like this "Y/NH Asdk yourha daed ifdf werd caahn hacefr piuzxah foure suippwer tommeorw"

- Like what the fuck even did you type or did your phone glitch

- you try to understand him and respond, thing is he wont be that drunk he's just shitty at typing when he's drunk

- You manage and tell the boys to take care of him though

- His favourite drink: something like breezers


- He's like Stan he just hates his life a bit less

- He likes to rage at games harder than ever

- Usually when he's getting drunk you're there too because he doesn't wanna be alone which makes sense

- it's better that way thought because you get to experience it irl

- but when its not he will facetime you or send cute texts checking up

- His favourite drink: Some kinda fruity ass drink idk dawg like berry flavoured stuff


- HA that's cute

- like Ben he's a cinnamon roll and doesn't get super drunk

- but he will drink a bit

- he's just very giggly and happy

- When u aren't together its like Ben he will just text you the whole time or send here and there messages saying he's okay

- His favourite drink: Something light and again fruity but not heavy on alcohol/doesn't taste like alcohol


- He drinks about as much as Jeremy would, just a few but nothing too crazy out here

- He dances a fuck ton as usual and tries to sing but fucks up and laughs about it (he sings Britney Spears the entire time DuH)

- When you aren't together he usually doesn't text much, he tries to enjoy wherever he is but he will text you to say the occasional "How are you doing" or "I'm good don't worry about me too much, miss ya"

- His Favourite drink: probably beer tbh hes a dad


- keep her away from her phone

- all she does is send cursed memes to everyone

- She like evil laughs until the person sees it causing everyone in the room to check their phones in panic

- Someone take this girls phone away GoSh

- Its funny tho sometimes cause of your fucked sense of humor (CRaCkHEad GanG)

- Her favourite drink: either something like pop/carbonated or tequila. No in between



~ Myia

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