Chapter 2

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There was pain. An overwhelming pounding of pain. It threatened to engulf him. Why did it hurt so much? For a while he just lay there quietly letting himself adjust to the sensation and, eventually, when it was just about bearable, he slowly flickered his eyes open. He moved them, keeping his head still, to see about him. He was in a dim, gloomy space of some sort but there was a source of light coming from somewhere to his right.

Thor! Did it hurt! The throbbing was coming from his head. It beat like a drum. Over and over. He raised his left hand to find where the pain was located. Damp. Why was his head damp? He studied the area more closely. Ouch! That hurt! He moved his hand back into his line of vision. His fingers were stained with something. Something black. No, wait. Not quite black. More a dark.... red. It just looked black in the poor light. What did that mean? What was red? Blood. That's what it was. The back of his head was wet with blood. That couldn't be good.

Where was he? He seemed to be alone somewhere. He could tell he wasn't in any building, it was too damp, dirty and murky for anywhere half civilized. He studied the place and saw rocky walls and stalactites on the ceiling above. It must be a cave. Carefully, he turned his head about taking in the space.

He could neither see nor hear anyone. He was alone. No. He wasn't. There was something over there. Arrrgh! The light! The moon shining brightly through the cave hurt his eyes. He tried again, this time taking more care to allow his vision to adjust. He looked at the shape again. It was something big. Something big with wings and claws: a dragon.

A dragon! Panic set in. He was alone in a cave with a fire breathing dragon! And it was guarding the entrance. He was in trouble. The beast had probably captured him and taken him back to his lair for his next meal. Why couldn't he remember what happened?

The beast was asleep. He had to get out of there. Fast: no way of knowing when it may awaken. He warily rolled onto all fours. Oh, his head again! The whole room swam in and out of focus and he felt giddy.

Easy does it. Got to get out of here.

Carefully, reaching for the walls of the cave for support he raised himself upright. Nausea.

No. Don't be sick. Don't be sick. He thought to himself. Take it steady. You can do this. Slowly. Ever so slowly he crept past the sleeping dragon and out of the cave.

The moonlight was bright and the stars shone in the sky. It must be late, or very early. Good. The sand under his feet felt damp. Not so good. The darkness would help camouflage him but he would surely leave footprints behind in the sand. He looked more closely at his feet. He had only one; the other appeared to be prosthetic. Why? No time for that. He had to move on. Now. He looked around himself. A cliff going off left and right. A beach. A few rock formations. The sea. Which way? His head pounded again and a sense of wooziness threatened to overcome him once more. No. He had to focus. He had to get far away from the dragon and this was his only chance. He was in no fit state to battle it. Already holding onto one side of the cave entrance he chose right and, placing his hands along the cliff and any large rock formations, he stumbled as he walked. Feelings of nausea bubbled up with every step he took but, determined, he kept going making his way along the beach.

Up ahead he saw an opening in the rock face. There was a rocky stream through a narrow valley coming down from the land to the sea with grassy verges either side. When he got closer he saw what must be a wood at the top. It was a bit of a climb. Could he do it? His whole body rang out in pain and agony begging him not to. Oh how it hurt! He looked back over the beach where he'd been. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. If he stayed he would be caught. The dragon would find him. He had to try. There was no other choice.

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