Chapter 7

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"Hiccup! Your breakfast's ready!" cried his mother from downstair

Hiccup didn't answer. Too engrossed in what he was doing he hadn't heard her. He was once more sitting cross-legged on his bed with pictures scattered all around him. A loud knock resonated through the room, making him jump.

"Come in," he called.

"Hiccup, I've got to rush off now but I've left your breakfast on the table. Your favourite – eggs and boar rashers."

"Err... thanks. I'll be right down." He sounded distracted.

"What are you up to?" Curious, Valka walked over to see what had caught Hiccup's attention.

"Just having a look at these." Hiccup selected a picture and offered it to Valka.

"Is this really my dad?"

"Yes. That's him."

"I don't think I look very much like him," he said, subdued.

"You're more alike than you know."

Hiccup doubted that. "He's a very 'large' man. And...I'm..."

"I suppose he was." Valka studied Hiccup. This was the first time since Stoick's death that Hiccup had ever talked about his father to her. When she thought about it, she noted he had always changed the subject whenever she had mentioned him.

There was something in his expression now she didn't like. She could tell something was wrong and it bothered her, but she had to go. She perched herself on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Hiccup. I feel awful to have to leave you on your first day home, but I really must go. I do want to talk more about this with you. Can we find a time tonight when I get back?"

Hiccup felt himself clam up. "Sure," he said strained, not looking at her. Valka felt awful but there was little she could do. She was busy filling in for him as acting-chief and there was just so much to be done. She bent forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, son. I am really, very sorry, but Astrid will be here soon to take you out and we'll have a chat tonight. I really want to listen to you. Make sure you eat now," and with that she left.

Hiccup sat rigid on his bed for a long time after, still looking over the sketches of his father. He really was a large man. How could such a great man like his father produce such a scrawny offspring such as himself?

Sighing, he cleared the pictures off the bed, placed them on the bedside table and went to have his breakfast.

A short time later there came a knock at the door. Astrid. Hiccup's heart leapt. He wolfed down the last of his eggs and raced to answer the door.


"Hey." It was lovely to see her. The morning sun made her blonde hair glow and her eyes sparkle. She really was very pretty he admitted to himself.

"So, are you ready to go?" she asked, brushing her fringe away like she did whenever she was nervous. He liked that about her.


He realised he'd been staring.

"Err... yes. Yes, I am. Umm... I'll just get Toothless," and he dashed back inside.

Astrid smiled to herself. She had noticed the way he'd looked at her and it made her feel giddy. Tread carefully, she thought to herself. Don't push him.

They decided to exercise their dragons first and explore Berk from above. Hiccup was fairly used to riding Toothless by now and was even able to attempt some of his more simple spins and dives. The two dragons and their riders swooped across the sky in a beautiful aerobatic dance. Hiccup felt happy, enjoying this time with this amazing girl. She really was something.

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