{1} Welcome to Hell

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I stared at my bloodshot, sleepless eyes in my rusted mirror. My was face sunken in from the lack of nutrition in my body. The flesh on my arms was clinging close to the bones. I'm a walking skeleton. I glided my finger along the deep scars lining my forearm.

I'm completely broken inside.

I reached up above my sink and opened the cabinet hiding behind my mirror. I grabbed the small orange bottle containing my pills. Pausing to catch my breath from the easy task that takes all my strength to do. I'm so weak. I looked back up at the mirror one more time before my vision darkened around me, and I fell backwards slamming my head against the hard tile. The bottle of pills making its way down with me, scattering across the floor.

One more mess up, and they said I would be sent back away. "To get help".

I fluttered my eyes opened only to reveal I that I was in a familiar, unpleasant place. The Asylum for Sick Children. Another word for Hell really.

I've been here before. The last time that I was here it was only for two weeks. I stayed in this same room, and it's just how I left it. A small bookcase rested in the corner of the room next to the barred window. The bookcase contained a small collection of books that I attained from the small Library they have here. My drawings lined the dirty, off white, peeling walls behind my bed. This place is definitely the opposite of charming, but it has potential.

I guess everyone knew I would be coming back here, because the room was exactly how I left it. I glanced up as my nurse walked into the room smiling brightly.

"Hello Miss Rose, it's good to see you again," said the petite nurse as she looked up from her notebook and gleamed at me. She then proceeded to walk over to me and write things down in her notebook. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her glasses were pressed firmly against her nose.

"Hello Janice...um do you know how I got here?" I asked her in a confused tone. The last thing I remembered doing was standing in my bathroom the night before.

"Your parents brought you. You passed out last night" She told me while smiling. She would always smile at everything.

I just nodded and assumed it was from the lack of food in my body. Its not out of the normal for me to pass out, but why would my parents bring me back here?

"Dear, I do need to ask you some questions okay?" She asked me as she was pulling the chair from my desk over to my bed so she could sit down.

"Tell me everything that you can recall from last night." She looked up at me then turned her attention to her black notebook. She then got ready to jot down my reply.

"Uh...I remember going into my bathroom to get my sleeping pills," I paused to think before I continued.

"Then I can't remember anything after that" I told her.

"Ok" She nodded and wrote that down.
"Did you take any pills?" She looked back up at me and waited for an answer.

"No...I don't think so. I think that I was about to, but I guess I passed out before I could" I replied back while scratching the back of my head. I winced because I felt a large knot on the back of my head.

"I think I hit my head," she stood back up and examined the spot I was feeling on the back of my skull.

"Ow" I winced when she pressed too harshly.

"Oh I'm sorry...that looks pretty bad. I'll be right back I'm going to get you so ice," she pulled back away and walked out the room leaving her notebook behind.

I thought for a moment before I reached over and grabbed the black leather notebook resting in the chair. I ran my finger along the alphabetical tabs on the sides until I found R, and then I opened the book. I found my page and began reading.

(Rosalie Montgomery) Patient 113
Illness : Anorexia

Notes : Patient passed out do to lack of nutrition, or overdose. Patient has memory loss, can't recall events.

I cringed at the word "Overdose". I never wanted to let myself to get to that point.
Did I take to many pills? Did I pass out because I took to many sleeping pills?

Awful thoughts flooded my head as the voices only grew louder. The room started spinning. My eyes threw themselves to the back of my skull as my head slammed itself against the bed. My body sending itself in to violent rapid thrashing. My vision began blur. The loud beeping of the monitor I was connected to was ringing through my ears. I blinked as I could see several nurses rushing into the room, and pushing my limbs against the bed. I violently thrashed a few more times before darkness closed around trapping me inside my thoughts.


Rumors spread around about the new girl. Apparently she's insane, but so is everyone here. Including me. I usually keep to myself. But, I'm quite nosey so i'm going to find out about her.

I walked out of my room and traveled down into the hall. I quickly had to push myself against wall as about five nurses made their way rushing down the hall to the last room on the end. The room where that girl was staying.

I walked slowly down the hall until I could see into her room. I watched as the Nurses had her pinned to the bed. She looked like she was having a seizure.

I looked at her face. It was sunken in. You could see the the outline of her facial structure so clearly. She was literally just skin and bones. She was beautiful though. Strange how something that looked to broken and hurt attracted me so much.

No wonder I'm here. I belong here.

I watched her for a few moments later before I turned around and pretended to stare at the wall. The nurses exited her room and I smiled sheepishly at them. They all slightly backed away as they passed. I shook my head knowing everyone here is afraid of me. I'm crazy but it's controllable.

I walked over to her room and rested myself against the doorframe. I stood there for a second to admire her.

She was passed out and breathing heavily. Her frail body was just resting against the mattress. She stirred slightly. Then I decided to exit before having to make an awkward introduction. Lip

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