{10} Eat up

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I walked down the dark empty hall. Coughing at the always present sent of smoke. If i'm here any longer I swear i'm going to die from second-hand smoke.

Calum had his door open. I walked over and rested my head on the door frame.

"Hey," I knocked on the wall to alert him of my presence. He was laying on his bed with his arms crossed, and staring at the ceiling. He looked over and smiled at me.


I stood there awkwardly for a second.

"You know you can come in right?" He pursed his lips and sat up.

"Oh...uh yeah sorry i'm just kind of out of it today" I ran my fingers through my hair to pull it from off of my face. He motioned so crawled over onto his bed. His bed was against the wall so I sat on the middle of his bed using his wall as a backrest.

The silence lingered a moment before I broke it.

"So what have you been doing today?" I looked over at him.

"Just the usual itinerary...shower, eat, therapy," He fiddled with his hands.

"I didn't know you had therapy?"

"You don't know a lot of things about me."

His comment kind of took me by surprise. I bit my lip.

"How about you? how have you been feeling?"

I rubbed my shoulder.

"I could be better" I pulled my knees toward my chest and rested my head on my arms.

"Have you had anything to eat today?" I kept my eyes on the door frame.

"A bag of chips," I looked back at him. He raised his brow. I swallowed hard.

"Ok fine...maybe a few chips or two."

"I'm going to get you something to eat," He began to get up. I grabbed his arm to stop him and he looked back at me.

"It's ok I'm really not hungry."

"I know but you have to eat something i'll be right back," He held his hand up to my cheek and then gently kissed my forehead. I looked back up at him and then he left the room.


He came back with a bottle of chocolate milk and a candy bar. I made a puzzled face. I had no idea where he got the candy but i'm not questioning it.

He handed me the bottle. I hesitated for a second then opened and took a sip of the drink.

"Eat this before you go to sleep," He also handed me the candy bar. I looked up at him.

"Isn't it bad to eat before you go to bed?"

"It's worse to sleep on an empty stomach... so eat up," He took his spot back on the bed while I stared at the food counting the calories from the label.

I know these are my favorite things but I have good days and I have bad days and today is one of them.

I forced myself to eat the food. It took a while but little by little I consumed it. I looked back at Calum. He was knocked out cold and slightly snoring. I snapped my fingers to see if he would react. He didn't. I slid myself off of the bed and tiptoed to the hall.

I walked straight into the bathroom and let the door swing closed behind me.

I hate doing this. I hate being so sick.

I turned on the sink and cupped my hands under the water so I could rinse out my mouth. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped the rest of the water from my face and then I looked back into the mirror. I looked worse. My eyes they looked lifeless. I could almost see my entire bone structure. It's a miracle I even have enough energy to walk.

I didn't

I walked back to Calum's room. He immediately sat up and laid his eyes on me when I entered the room.

"Where did you go?" He ran his fingers through his hair then rubbed his eyes. I sat down beside him on the bed.

"I went to the bathroom... I can go back to my room if you want to go to sleep" I began to get off the bed. He gently grabbed my arm and I turned back to face him.

"Wait...stay will me please" He looked up at me. I paused then replied.

"Ok." I whispered out quietly and nodded my head.

We sat there for a second staring at each other. Calum took his hand and put it on my cheek pulling me towards him. I didn't stop him I just followed along. We were now inches apart while are foreheads were touches. I couldn't help myself. I connected our lips. He kissed me back. The moment felt perfect. This is what I needed. I needed an escape, and Calum is my escape.

We pulled away gasping for air. Our eyes still locked on each others. I couldn't help myself so a soft smile crept across my face. He gently pushed my hair away from my face and behind my ear. Then he softly kissed me one more time.

I laid back down on the bed he did the same thing and wrapped his arms gently around my fragile waist.

"Goodnight Love," He whispered in my ear and kissed my temple.

This is what I need. I need him. He's my escape.

Insanely Beautiful ⤖ C.H.Where stories live. Discover now