{6} Secret Memories.

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I brushed my hand across Rose's forehead pushing her hair out of her face.

She was in a coma.

She has been in one for 2 days. The nurse says it could be a week before she'll wake up.

I stayed right by her side. Watching her, and waiting for her to wake up.

Im scared she might not.

Janice walked in. I stood up and walked to the end of the bed. She refilled the IV.

"Cal, you can go get some rest she'll be fine, I check on her every hour." She told me with sympathetic eyes.

I shook my head.

"I'm OK...I'll wait for her to wake up" She nodded, half smiled, and patted me on the back before walking out the room.

What if I was somehow responsible for this.

I thought about the events leading up to her seizure.

We ran the halls.

She brought me to her room.

Asked what color brown were my eyes.

I chuckled outloud at that memory.

Then I kissed her.

I shouldn't have done that. She probably was freaked out.

I couldn't help myself.

I was now sitting on the window seat staring at the trees outside of the window.


I jumped up and turn around.

Rose was holding her head sitting up on her bed. I got up and rushed over to her.

"Hey...shhh" I held her close to me hopefully calming her headache for a moment.

We pulled away and she looked back me.

"Seizure?" She question, and I nodded.

"Do you remember anything before you passed out?" I asked her. She paused and thought about it.

"We we running through the halls and knocking on all the doors" She smiled.

I laughed at that dumb moment.

"Is that all you can remember?" She nodded.


"Is that all you can remember?"


I remember the kiss.

I remember overthinking it.

I remember falling. Him rushing back in holding me in his arms.

I never want to forget.

He cares.

Somebody actually cares about me.

Through my brokenness.

"You need to eat something it's been 2 days...I could go get you something from the cafeteria if you like?" He was still right beside me.

"It's fine I can just walk with you" I said trying to get up but falling in the process. He grasped his arm around me catching me from falling, and gently setting me back on the bed.

"Get some rest Love, I'll be right back" He pulled the covers back around me. He bent down and kissed my forehead in a friendly reassuring way. I nodded and closed my eyes.

He came back a bag of pretzels and bottle of chocolate milk in hand.

A smile escaped my lips.

"Thank you" I grabbed the beverage from his grasp and inhaled it.

I wiped my lip on my sleeve and began munching on the pretzels.

I was resting against my headboard. Calum was also on my bed scrunched up against the wall, and admiring my drawings.

"I like your drawings" He pointed to the ones above me. I looked at them.

All were in black pencil. They were mostly sketches.

I found beauty in the dark things. The things that most people find terrifying.

If you only looked hard enough you could see a beautiful thing hiding behind a hurting soul.

"Oh thanks...I drew them when I was staying here last time"

"Last time?" He questioned scrunching and turning his head.

"I came here for 2 weeks one time before my recent incident. I never left my room. I was to weak to walk. I just stayed in bed drawing." I fiddled with my the comforter.

"Recent incident?"

I never told him how I got here. I just blew him off.

I was too frustrated and worrying too much about my seizures.

"I blacked out when I was at my house...that's what caused the seizures to start" I didn't tell him about the potential overdose.

I didn't want to say I didn't.

That could be a lie.

I didn't want to say I did because I don't even know.

I don't know if I overdosed or not.

That scared the hell out of me.

We sat there again in the comforting silence.

I pulled the covers back up over me and rested my head back on the pillow.

"Ill let you get some rest...I'm going back to my room" Calum began to get of the bed. I grabbed his arm before he could. He turned back.

"Wait...will you stay with me?" He paused then answered back.

"Sure Love" He bent down and kissed my forehead and then crawled in the bed beside me.

He was resting behind me. I could feel his arm barely brushing against my back. I reached over. Intertwined our fingers and wrapped his arm around me.

He pulled me closer. We fell asleep to the sound of our slowing breathes and heartbeats.

Insanely Beautiful ⤖ C.H.Where stories live. Discover now