Chapter 9

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Steve runs out to a helicopter but a device lands on it, and it short circuits.

Tony and Rhodey land in their suits in front of Steve. "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think it's weird?" Tony asks, his mask retracting.

"Definitely weird."

You stand off to the side listening to them speak. Waiting for your signal to join Steve but something catches your attention.

"Alright I've run out of patience. Underoos!" You hear your father yell and next thing you know a web is pulling Cap's shield from him, webbing Cap's hands together and a man dressed in red and blue lands. The person starts rambling about his suit and Captain America.

"You've been busy." Cap says.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Pulling Clint in. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. Turning my own daughter against me. I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

You got bored of waiting and sped in, taking Cap's shield back and freeing him. "You did that when you signed."

"Silver." He nods to you.

"We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes in, then you're going to come with us, now, because it's us or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite."

"We found it." Sam's voice comes through the comm. "The Quinjet's in hanger 5, north runway."

Clint shoots and arrow and Scott jumps off onto Spider-Man. Scott suddenly grows and jumps next to Cap.

Tony goes towards Clint and Wanda. T'Challa goes after Bucky and Sam, and Rhodey goes after Cap.  You move to go after your father but your suddenly stuck to the ground you look up to see Spider-Man sitting on the roof of the van next to you. "You aren't so fast when your stuck to the ground, now are you?" You laugh and phase through the webbing, jumping up to Spidey but he swings away. You turn and see Wanda pulling cars out of the parking garage onto Tony.

"Hey Wanda!" You say into the comms. "He may be trying to bring us in but I still would like to have a father after this."

"Sorry y/n."

You speed to to Bucky and Sam and see them trapped. You quickly get them out of the webs.

"Thanks speedy." Bucky says.

"Last time I was called that, I was 10." You say to him.

"Well you're still speedy."

"Thanks Buck, I appreciate the nostalgia. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta run." And with that you take off.

Everyone groups together and starts running towards the quinjet. Out of nowhere, a beam comes down and draws a line before the group, Vision before you. "Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Team Iron Man all groups together with Vision. "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks.

"We fight." Steve starts leading his team towards the others, they start running back, you meet in the middle and start fighting, you start helping Bucky fight Black Panther.

"Speedy, go help Steve, I have this." Bucky takes off at T'Challa and you run towards Clint and Nat, saving Clint from a kick to the face. You throw Nat away from Clint.

Clint just looks at you. "What? You were having your ass handed to you." You take off and start helping the others.

You run over to help Steve against Spider-Man. "Stark tell you anything else?"

"That you're wrong. You think your right. And that makes you dangerous."

Steve quickly takes him down and drops the plane loading tunnel on top of him.

"You got heart Spidey. Where you from?" You ask.

"Queens." He responds struggling to hold the tunnel up.

"Brooklyn." Steve responds. "She's kind of from Queens as well." Steve takes off and you follow.

You suddenly hear Steve speak while your scoping out the area. "I'll take Vision you get to the jet."

"No, both of you get to the jet, now." You quickly running. "But we need a diversion, something big'll do."

"I've got something, but you won't have long. On my mark, run like hell."

Suddenly, Ant-man grows to over a 100 feet tall and starts taking out people

Steve and Bucky start to run towards the jet. T'Challa starts to run towards them but Ant-man gets in the way.

Suddenly the spider kid gets thrown to the ground after taking down Ant-man and you stop always from him when you see Tony go down to him. Suddenly Tony leaves and you get a look at Spider-Man without his mask on. "Peter?" You say out loud walking closer to him.

"Do I know you?" He asks turning to look at you.

You pull off your mask and Peter gasps.


"You're the Spider-Man." You say, in disbelief. "Are you mental?!" You shout.

"Are you crazy? You're Silver Lightning." Peter tries to stand but falls to the ground again. "How many more secrets are you keeping from me?" He asks.

"This was the last one." You say moving closer. "You hiding any others?"

"Nope." He groans in pain.

"Let's get you fixed up." You speed him away from the airport and to his hotel, which he told you were it was. As soon as you got to his room Happy burst threw the door. "Hey Happy!" You smile, laying Peter down on the bed and going for the first aid kit.

"What happened here?"

"It's a long story Hap."

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