*7* Tears

443 13 1

Thursday, 3:34 pm
I was just ordering a salad for lunch at my favourite restaurant, when I got a text from Shelby.
Oh, god, Shelby. I hadn't seen her, or chatted to her out of videos for that matter, since the airport. I really didn't know how I felt about her.
It was definitely something though. Maybe it was just a crush, a one time thing, or maybe I was even in love with her. I just felt very protective of her since the incident.

I read the text.
Hey Graser, I have to tell you something.
I typed, 'Sure'
Oh, actually, are you free for a video call?
I sighed. 'I'm in a restaurant' I put.
Is there any way you can call me quickly? Pls
'Can't you tell me later?'
Okay, sure. Text me when you get back home.

The waiter had by now delivered my salad, and I started to eat it. I wondered what could be so important she had to, like, talk to me about it.
Once I had finished it, I paid the check, and left. When I entered the house, I was so deep in thought I didn't notice my phone 'beep' again, and my brother creep up to me. Too late, Josh grabbed it out of my pocket.
He smirked. "Ooh, Shelby has texted you. When are you going to ask that girl out already?"
"Give it back!" I snatched the phone off him, and ran up to my room, slamming the door behind me.
"Idiot." I muttered, and texted Shelby, 'I'm home now.'

-Shelby would like to FaceTime-

"Hey, Shelbs, what's up?" I asked her.
"Um." She bit her lip. "Well. Um, Parker and I..."
I didn't like where this was going. I had a horrible feeling that I knew what she was going to say. "Yes?"
"We, are, like, dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend."
A hard knot formed in my throat. "Good for you. Listen, my mom's calling me. I have to go."
"But Za-"
I hung up.
I was already on my bed, but I buried my face in my pillow. Look Graser, look Zach. Why can't you be happy for them? It's not like you're jealous, or anything...
Yes. I was jealous. I'm jealous of Parker, and I like Shelby.
That's no excuse to be mean to her though. Or hate Parker.
Honestly, I had no chance with her anyway. Long-distance relationships never work out, and everyone thinks I'm far too annoying for Shelby to even consider me as anything else than a friend.
It's not fair.

I started sobbing. Empty, broken sobs, which quickly evolved into tears.
I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to care if anyone was listening.

She has every right to date anyone she wants.

Why do I have a bad feeling about it then?

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